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Everything posted by daerre

  1. Too small cant read it,take a bigger font size.
  2. daerre

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    first he's yelling because his pc isn't starting fast enough, than hes yelling because Unreal Tournament isnt loading fast enough and than hes yelling because he is getting killed.
  3. take the axe or crowbar right click it (symbol on your toolbelt) go on remove from toolbar,reload your weapon :D and you have a beautifull axe
  4. daerre

    How to play music on dayZ

    There is an easier solution use Virtual audio cable and hotkeyp.You can play sounds/music trough your mic with those programms without muteing your game.
  5. daerre

    How to play music on dayZ

    playing music on dayz ? do you mean playing music trough direct chat?
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spontanious_combustion
  7. daerre

    How dangerous are the zombies REALLY

    They arent really a threat they stop running if you are in a building,they cant attack you if you are in a pinetree,they stop following you if you zig zag around trees and they need way to many hits to kill you . The zombies in the dayz mod are just annoying when you try to loot or to fight another player. Most of the time you only get killed by them if you are unucky or stupid. The only gamemode/mod where zombies are dangerous is dayz 2017 but there arent many decent 2017 servers and after you find a enfield ,food and drinks it becomes really boring.
  8. daerre

    bad serial number given in setup

    Dixon already helped you USE GOOGLE! https://www.google.de/#hl=de&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&q=+dayz+bad+serial+number+given+in+setup&oq=+dayz+bad+serial+number+given+in+setup&gs_l=hp.3..0l4.344.2364.1.2510.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42080656,d.Yms&fp=9c6174f2da138f9f&biw=1920&bih=955 and after 3 seconds of using GOOGLE i found this video
  9. daerre

    bad serial number given in setup

    Using google is way to mainstream.
  10. daerre

    Help me whit DayZ

    uuse dayz commandaa do doawlawd daisz,hob i kuld helph brou
  11. Have you selected dayz only on the left side ??? if you select a different dayz map youll have to install the map first to play it. select dayz only on the left side if its still not working click on install/update and install dayz and the latest beta patch. if you want to play different maps click on install/update install the map and change it on the left side to dayz (your map) only.
  12. daerre

    Weapon suggestions/Enviorment Suggestions.

    Q: Will we be able to disassemble weapons? A: There is a finite limit to just how much we can do and not kill performance. On paper I considered this kind of thing, but it requires a considerable amount of extra art work, textures, and materials. More materials is a really GPU performance killers. More materials = more sections (which means more passes by your GPU before it renders to screen). Already attachments are bad enough, we're lucky that zombies have no weapons, and also have just one material (and just one section!). So the weapon attachment system (confirmed, as of today, it's in full development) is kind of a compromise on this. From the Q&A with Rocket
  13. daerre

    So rocket, a western city eh?

    Berlin,Paris,London or Rome would be great imagine fighting zombies in the colosseum or sniping from the top of the Eiffel Tower :D .
  14. daerre

    Sound pranks in DayZ ?

    The video is awesome and there is a better programm than MorpVOX. :D
  15. daerre

    Sound pranks in DayZ ?

    There is a better way you need 2 programs and 15 min of configuration ,but im not going to tell you wich programms :D (Google is your friend)