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Just a Goat

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Everything posted by Just a Goat

  1. Just a Goat

    what do you do with beans?

    No, no. If he's serious, then he is what makes DayZ so much fun. You know, the sort of people who leave Youtube comments like "HALP I RAN FOR 8 HOURS BUT CANT FIND A SINGLE FOOD"
  2. Just a Goat

    Well.... f***

    If you can't be bothered to look up how the loot works, then you probably shouldn't heading over to an island without knowing how you're going to get back. In fact, if you just plain don't know how you're going to get back you shouldn't be going there either. You simply don't log off on islands or tall rooftops without transport, or without having friends that you know have transport.
  3. Just a Goat

    Betrayed. On tape.

    Very true. They're either competent or they're hackers... if they're competent, then you likely have nothing to offer them but transitory amusement. If they're hackers, then they're inherently untrustworthy anyways. People who have a clue what they're doing don't trust people regardless of what they're wearing, because they don't need to.
  4. Just a Goat - Problem with tents still?

    Tents are not always working. Some won't hold loot at all Some won't hold until reset Some hold perfectly fine... but then vanish. This might be because they literally vanished in a reset, or because every tent we have placed has owner issues. The person who places it may or may not be able to save it, and cannot pack the tent - but everyone ELSE can. In other words... just lol.
  5. Just a Goat

    Heavyweight Champion Jamie Hyneman

    Obviously that zombie knows all about the library books you stole.
  6. So here's a question. Scattered about this forum we have the following: - Lots of threads about hackers (yes, we get it, people hack, enough with the threads unless you have new ways to save yourself from skydiving, thunder-doming, etc.) - Lots of threads about bugs (same deal, complaining about known issues in general discussion is a waste of forum space) - Lots of fun videos of stupid stuff - People whining about being killed - People making up BS threads bragging about nonexistent bandit killing adventures - Everything you ever wanted to know about Tents/Cars So where are the threads about actual general survival tactics? Or fighting tactics? I think these are something like 1% of forum topics. There are so many people running around doing retarded things in-game, don't they ever stop to wonder why they die 5 times a night, and think to start a discussion on how not to? Maybe they suck because it never occurs to them to do that...
  7. Just a Goat

    Not getting attached to gear

    Brilliant plan. "Get sniped, then repeat" Do people really gear up simply for 40 minutes of gunfighting and then die? That seems a bit of a waste, though you're totally free to do what you like. I'd rather keep causing mayhem. It's not because I'm afraid to lose gear, it's simply because I'm not giving anyone the satisfaction of killing me, and I have the patience to do things right. I'd like to see people who have less than a certain average survival time after their first 48 hours of elapsed game play spawn with something silly like a dunce hat, ass chaps, or a furry costume, at least until they pull their average up. Hell, maybe make them look like hipsters or fat insurance salesmen. :lol:
  8. If it sounds like I'm angry, then it's because I'm tired of seeing people spam that up there all over the forum. It's nonsense. Just plain simple nonsense. You have absolutely no way of knowing how much threat someone poses simply by their appearance. And even if a person looks like someone who spawned on the beach 5 minutes ago, shooting them still presents them with a setback. At best, someone who looks like a fresh spawn scrambling for beans and sodas is exactly that - but the more you set them back, the more time they spend scrambling for beans and sodas, which is time they're not spending running around with an AKM or an Enfield shooting at you. No competent player needs anyone else for the simple act of survival in the game. Note that there is nothing there about whether it is "right". It is after all just a game, and the most you can really describe it as is "allowed". But it's not "senseless" or "useless" - all players that you don't know present a threat. It's up to you to figure out how to deal with them. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't - simply describing the options and their consequences. Maybe we need to get some EVE vets in this thread to laugh at the concept of "harmless" apparent noobs.
  9. Just a Goat

    How to instantly make dayz more fun

    If zombies are so weak, then why do so many people die so often? :lol: They're certainly no threat to me, but they seem to kill plenty of other people. I see a lot of people shooting around them without a care, like people here are complaining about. And you know what happens? They generally die. Never going to happen. At least, not to any degree more than it happens now. Zombies will simply never be more dangerous than players, so dealing with players is the priority. Even if someone recognizes that a second human would be helpful, you're not going to find any competent players who are going to trust some random person to be anything other than an idiot.
  10. Just a Goat

    epic bandit camp destroyed

    One time, at Survivor Camp, we killed 100 bandits with a crowbar. Then we posted a true account of it in the Bandit Campfire section to show how badass we are.
  11. Are you honestly posting in the Bandit Campfire section to accuse someone of taking a stationary position to wait for someone to ambush? Really? As if this is somehow unacceptable? It's not hard to do well in this game if you read the list of known bugs and don't do anything retarded. Quick, somebody find me Scrap Metal, a Wheel, and some Engine Parts. We need to get the Waaaaaaaaambulance up and running again. There is always a reason to shoot people. Every person you kill puts you in a better situation to survive - the only question is, can you do it without additional risk to yourself and most importantly, do you want to. You don't have to loot someone for it to help you, nor do they need to be a present threat. Just because you're too stupid to understand the benefits doesn't mean it's senseless. If they want to shoot people, that's their choice. If you don't like it you can quit playing, get shot, flee, or fight back. You do not "tolerate" banditry. Toleration implies the ability to make it cease at will.
  12. Just a Goat

    So I did a bad thing last night

    Yeah. Although, honestly, vehicles will only get you killed. You saw how it ended for them, eh? Also, if it's dark out, why were you crawling? Unless you're taking fire or need to prone to shoot something like a crew served weapon, there is no point to crawling... you can walk right past the zeds at night.
  13. Just a Goat

    Broken bone @ airport: dilemna

    What he said ^ Put on the Man Pants and crawl like the wind. And then learn your lesson about not carrying multiple morphine injectors. There is nothing at the airfield that you *need*. When you fall below acceptable amounts of medical supplies, you get more medical supplies from some place safer.
  14. Just a Goat

    I die when i join a server.

    In that case I would go to remedial action the first time around - force quit, try to re-log, force-quit during loading, then try again. There just seems to be certain parts of the map that have varying chances of killing you when you log in.
  15. Just a Goat

    how my 32 day char died.

    There are solutions to that, you know. Why does everyone give up so easily? Stairs shouldn't kill a healthy player. I've fallen down them as well.
  16. People carry long arms in/on backpacks all the time. http://www.kifaru.ne...es/gb_dual3.jpg Unrelated note, to the people complaining about getting killed by trees and rocks - people get killed by trees and rocks all the time. I can think of several people I knew that either died or broke their legs. For that reason I approve of the environment being dangerous. I would like to see coats/outerwear that allow you to stay warm.
  17. Just a Goat

    50 Jerrycans?

    I found one farm with several full cans last night. Gathering 50 is no big deal.
  18. Just a Goat

    I die when i join a server.

    Guys I have an easy fix for when this happens. It works even for those who can't run DayZ Commander (it never works on my system for installing/uninstalling). Force quit immediately Don't hit any buttons, don't respawn. You're not actually dead - but if you 'respawn', it will teleport you to the coast, but won't give you new stats and starter gear because you're did not die. Just reconnect to another server and you'll almost always be fine. If you still die there, then you're probably in a bad location - try it a few more times, then try force-quitting during the loading process. Eventually you'll either load in where you were (at which point you need to MOVE), or on the beach (no big deal). Just remember, as long as you don't respawn, you won't actually lose your stuff. I've seen people re-log for 15 minutes to fix this and they were still fine.
  19. Just a Goat

    TROLLLOLLO.. how bad do you have to suk !!!

    I'm going to say you deserved it, simply for calling yourself a "non-PvP player". No such thing. Everything you do affects other players.
  20. Just a Goat

    The real issue with DayZ

    You know, I've actually said in TS while playing that "Chernarus needs dinosaurs" So I can't entirely disagree. The zombies aren't really needed. You can have an apocalypse without them, as long as you also have the requisite carnivorous animals (dogs in the cities, bears 'n crap in the woods). They don't really affect combat between players much other than slowing people down when they're in killzones. They're basically an excuse for the game, to draw people in - if you tell people "Hey I made a mod with a huge apocalyptic open world where psychopaths run around trying to wear each other's skulls as hats and everything can kill you!", then most of the players running around shouting "friendly!" at each other and having marshmallow roast campouts around a fireplace would never have showed up in the first place. (These are of course the same people who never seem to understand that nobody needs or wants them for anything. No, we don't want to be your friend) Zombies do keep new spawns and incompetent people busy, though. I see players with weapons and gear die to zombies in really stupid ways and I just can't figure out what the hell they're thinking. Zombies also provide an outlet for players that aren't competent enough to fight other players, which at times may describe a hell of a lot of players.
  21. Just a Goat

    Why do you lose items while swimming?!

    This is why people should poke around on the wiki and read the known issues list before trying to play something like this. RTFM.
  22. How is it that so many people suck at picking servers?
  23. Just a Goat

    While i may looke like one, i'm NOT a bandit!

    1. This is what happens when whiny people demand a PvP behavior flagging system. Or get it forced on them, which seems more likely here since Rocket doesn't seem to take no crap from nobody. Such systems never work due to being arbitrary and exploitable. They don't even remotely end up working the way people would wish them to. 2. It will wear off. If this is happening very frequently, then you're doing a really poor job staying out of trouble.
  24. Just a Goat

    Horrible bug. Please help.

    You might just be hosed if you exited the game normally. I have no idea what exactly you did... the first half ('dying' on login) sounds familiar, the rest doesn't. The correct course of action when you log in and die instantly is to touch NOTHING in-game and force-quit the game and re-load on another server. Usually you will be fine. If not, repeat. If you're still dead, force quit during various parts of the loading process. Once you do get loaded in, make sure you MOVE somewhere else before leaving that server. Some locations are for lack of a better word cursed and will kill you just about every time.
  25. No, I'm pretty sure tearing off into the forest with nothing to drink as a new spawn is in fact noobish. :huh: