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Just a Goat

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Everything posted by Just a Goat

  1. Just a Goat

    Ghillie + backpack

    Why should there be a tradeoff? There is nothing about wearing a ghillie suit that keeps you from carrying a pack. In most cases, an appropriately camo'ed pack. I'm all for fixing the models in standalone (I honestly don't think they're going to go through the effort to make a backpack for snipers just for the mod), but there is nothing whatsoever about "people in ghillies having smaller packs" that is realistic. If people could drop their packs without losing them it would be a non-issue anyways, since anyone actually using the ghillie to hide would not want one poking up, ghillied or not. As an aside, people who have no experience using any of this equipment need to stop blathering random crap about what is and is not "realistic", when their idea of "realistic" simply means "whatever forces other people to play only in ways that I approve of". If you want a realistic ghillie suit drawback, make it increased water consumption during the day when it's sunny. Though to be honest, you shouldn't be catching cold with one on either... that's just bloody ridiculous, if you've ever worn one.
  2. Mouse and keys > Controller. That's all there is too it. You can be the greatest gamer in the history of FPS, but if you're armed with a console style controller an average-competent PC gamer with a mouse is likely going to wreck you. This has been demonstrated plenty of times in spectacular fashions. Honestly any modern mouse and keyboard should do. Figure out if you use a claw grip in the mouse (google!) and choose one accordingly.
  3. Just a Goat

    Help settle an Argument

    Your friend is an idiot. "PvP" means nothing in this game. It is literally a meaningless term because it's ALL PvP. There are no activities you can engage in while logged in that do not affect some other player who is hostile to you in some way or another. If he thinks that sniping doesn't count because of some bizarre 'fairness' fetish, then you need to ditch him and find people to play with that aren't huffing paint cans. Even if you're going way, way out of your way not to kill other humans an important aspect of Zombie Survival is identifying who will get you killed and getting them the hell away from you. Good, bad, or otherwise, humans are ALWAYS the main danger in a zombie apocalypse. Apparently some people don't understand that.
  4. Just a Goat

    Bandits these days.....

    If you can't understand why someone would want to shoot you even if they can't cart off your loot (either due to space or safety concerns), then you're the one who fails, not the shooter.
  5. Just a Goat

    Nasty Little Trend, Watch Your Back..

    Just because you're not a bad guy doesn't mean you're useful. In fact, sometimes it means you're a liability. Don't forget that, when dealing with others. On an additional note, it seems a lot of people are learning the folly of pointing guns at other people for "good" reasons. If you keep doing it, someone is going to shoot you, and you'll have every last bit of it coming.
  6. Just a Goat

    Under 100K active players

    It's not so much that the hype is dying out, as the more populated servers are being rendered unplayable, and people are worried about getting their keys banned by hackers using other peoples' clients to execute scripts.
  7. Just a Goat

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    Attrition removes a ton of crap from the hive every day. Fix the tents and vehicles and things will be back to normal in 2 weeks.
  8. Just a Goat

    Is it possible?No Snipers

    So you suck at the whole firearms thing, and want to remove the ability of anyone else to do any better? Sure, that makes perfect sense. Hold on, I'll throw that right into a package deal with a pony and a leprechaun.
  9. They can play it alone just fine without one. But yeah, they have no place in my group.
  10. It's not scary if you're not running around doing silly things getting yourself killed. Being anti-KOS does not mean running around shouting OH HAI THERE at everyone you see. Smart survivors pay attention, see others before they're seen themselves, and quietly move on. Unless you know the other person, there are really very few situations where anyone else has anything whatsoever to offer you. That fact that you really don't "get it" is evidenced by your comment about people killing you and "taking your axe and food and drink". They're not killing you to take your axe and food and drink, they're killing you so YOU don't take their stuff. KOS has nothing to do with the shooters robbing anyone. They're not "wasting" anything by "not looting your (crap) stuff", they're saving their own necks by not doing something that is stupidly risky with little or no chance for reward. If you clearly have nothing to offer them, then you're either a nonentity or a threat - at best, you're a well meaning person who will most likely get them all killed in some way if they don't get the hell away from you. That's all there is to it. Whether or not YOU believe in humanity has nothing to do with whether THEY believe in it or whether or not your actions will get them killed. If you don't understand this, you're a fool. That doesn't mean you have to shoot them - it means you need to see yourself from their point of view. Moving on.... This is foolish. Anything like this is foolish. I see a lot of people get the drop on other survivors and try to surprise them with contact, usually telling them to freeze or lower their weapon. It is the height of carebearish insanity to order someone to freeze, drop their weapon, or go prone and expect them to do anything other than turn and shoot you in the face. Nobody ever - and I mean EVER - points a gun at someone for that person's own good. Don't fool yourself; the moment you cross that line, you have committed to violence no matter how good you think your intentions are. Even if the other player means to be peaceful all it takes for you to shoot them is one incorrect surprised reaction. If the other player has their act together, their friend on the adjacent hill or roof is probably going to shoot you in the head about 2 seconds after you issue your ultimatum. And you'll have it coming, too. Running around pointing guns at people and creating conflict where there was none is ethically no different than playing KOS.
  11. There is no endgame, there is only the test to see whether or not you're smart enough to figure out what you should be doing.
  12. Just a Goat

    To the jerk who killed me

    Are you trolling? No such thing as a no-PvP server. Doesn't matter if it's a rule or not, you can't run around like an idiot there because banning the person who shot you after the fact won't bring you back to life. I have a hard time understanding how so many people can suck this hard at this game... then I go out and watch all the stupid crap people do in the real world, and I remember why again...
  13. If someone can't find something to do, then this is probably not the right game for them. At least it takes most players weeks to figure this out, since they can't seem to live longer than a few hours. :lol: I like keeping an inventory of people's camps so I can help new people gear up by stealing all their stuff.
  14. Just a Goat

    Fire methods/loot behaviour

    Yes. Run into the city and raid the large, obvious target. Fastest way to get to the beach. Wait, you don't want to go back to the beach? Well then... OP, you need to watch some youtube videos on how to hunt and cook meat. You're probably doing something wrong, the cow definitely should not vanish after you gut it. I don't think I've ever seen one do that - I only see them vanish after all the meat is taken out. The most important thing about not running out of food is to make sure you're carrying food. You need at least 2-3 food on you at all times, because hunting can sometimes be unreliable. You don't really need "good gear" - if you have an axe and a canteen, you should be able to get food .... get a good supply of food before worrying about the other stuff.
  15. No, you were killed by someone shouting friendly. If someone is running at you shouting friendly, that doesn't prove they're a friendly, it only proves that either they're in idiot or they think you are. Are people really this daft? I wouldn't mind some sort of group indicator, in real life it's easy to ID people you know from their gait, mannerisms, etc. It wouldn't break immersion too much... but we could also live without it.
  16. Silly OP. Hasn't learned that the first thing that happens when you get a wheeled vehicle working is that it gets stolen, you get killed, or some combination of the two. There is really very little reason to drive around in a car or truck. It's suicide.
  17. If they're that easy to use, then why aren't you running around with one? Carrying a sniper rifle is a pretty big tradeoff in terms of close in firepower or pack space. You can't simply sit wherever you want and shoot one without drawing a lot of negative attention. Wind wouldn't really help any, it would just make the small fraction of competent snipers even more OP, since nobody would be able to return fire effectively. Also, learn to zig zag. FFS.
  18. They're great spawns, especially if you're on a server where you've noted camp locations northwest of those areas.
  19. Just a Goat

    Becoming the very thing I hated

    No, because I actually understand what the word "capitalist" means *facepalm*
  20. Just a Goat

    Why punish bandits?

    The shemagh was simply available. A lot of how this stuff looks and how it works was simply a result of what was easy to do. The scarf really means nothing either way, people are largely not paying attention to what is going on around them. They're not going to see it and make some sort of better decision. There are 3 types of players - carebears, do-gooders, and bandits. The carebears are clueless no matter what, it's only the other two that are paying attention.
  21. Sounds like you need some more competent friends. I stay away from stupid high-risk targets. You never really know what you'll run into, even in an "empty" server in the middle of nowhere. Plenty of stealing and gunfighting. There really is nowhere to go on the map where you will always avoid other players, and people aren't going to run around saluting and shouting "friendly" when you discover their loot piles. Quoted for truth. There is no reason to raid stupid high risk targets when all sorts of high end gear is simply sitting around unattended in the forest. Get canteens, get the stuff you need to hunt, and go find tents.
  22. Just a Goat

    A solution to the "bandit" problem

    People would gather gear on the non-PvP server then hop over to the PvP servers and tear around like mad shooting everything in sight. PvP servers would be all crazy deathmatch, all the time. Meanwhile, there would be an endless supply of posts from people complaining about the hundreds of ways that players are still able to kill them and otherwise screw with them on the non-PvP servers. Hell, there would be dozens and dozens of new ways to mess with people if there isn't the ability to shoot survivors. OP's idea is awful, and this mod works precisely because it isn't like that. If you want to deal with the bandit problem, then stop being a bunch of sissies and go kill bandits. Or, at the very least, stop being easy targets. Most people killed by bandits are doing stupid things.
  23. Just a Goat

    how to get geared up in an hour?

    Currently I have a huge laundry list of camp sites that I can hit up. We find them while navigating through the woods. If you have never played OFP/Arma/Arma II, then play some of the training missions. Familiarize yourself with the interfaces, the controls, and customize them as needed. This is not like running around in a normal first person shooter. I only really died to a player or zombie once, but I've been warped to the beach without gear several times, and also been killed on log-in several times. First item I need is an Axe. With a basic amount of practice it's a great zombie killing weapon. If I spawn near a grocery store, I'll hit it up and grab a pack, and nav/survival supplies available, and some food and drink. Otherwise, I'll pick these up at some barns/farms on the way. If I'm close enough, I'll just go straight to the camps. AVOID THE CITIES. If you're spending 3 hours in the city, then I have no idea what you're doing there. I've never spent more than 10-15 minutes in one and leave with an ALICE pack full of goodies. Once you have enough supplies to make it to the smaller outlying towns and farms, get the hell out of Cherno. Running around through the city blindly is full of fail. You need to learn how to navigate with a map and compass (for real) so you can find water and so you don't blunder into things. I don't mean, "oh hey, X city is north of me, I'll walk north..." - I mean, "I'm walking at a bearing of 075 for 6 km until I hit the road between these towns, then walking 220 until the power lines, then turning on a bearing of 040.... ". Have a plan and know exactly where you're going. Stay off the roads, stay as deep in the woods as you can. (if you're not doing this, this is probably why you find no tents). Once you have enough stuff to live off the land - knife, axe, canteens, matches, compass - you can pursue other activities like looking for player camps. Note the coordinates and servers the camps are on If you have a solid weapon from a deer stand or camp (say, an assault rifle and a couple of mags), then you really don't need to go running off to the airfield to get killed by organized groups of players. What the hell do you need high end weapons for? If you run around getting into gunfights by yourself, you're asking for a ticket back to the beach.
  24. Just a Goat

    impossible playZ

    Even on the beach , and even without a starter weapon, DayZ is pretty easy as long as you don't let yourself get picked off by some random sniper. The combat and scrounging are easy - it's the planning ahead and tactics that require thought. The bugs are known; once you learn them, they're easy to work around. If you're having this much trouble with a game, then I question how you manage to make it through your day without somehow autodarwinating yourself. This reinforces my theory that most of the people having great difficulty with the game are people who live in a city or suburb and have their hands held pretty much all day, every day.
  25. OP is simply overflowing with bad ideas. Trade at not just a firehouse, but the one in Elektro? Seriously? You deserve to get shot, no matter what you are or are not carrying.