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Just a Goat

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Everything posted by Just a Goat

  1. So in other words, a lawless land is not a good place to try to use nylon tents for secure storage? I'm shocked. There are plenty of good ways to set up bases, you just have to use a lot of imagination.
  2. The problem isn't the SD ammo itself, it's what you can and can't use it in. Being subsonic really doesn't make a round quiet in anything bigger than a .22LR. .45ACP out of the 1911 is often subsonic, for example. What makes a weapon super quiet is shooting subsonic (no supersonic crack from the bullet traveling) through a weapon with a suppressor (no muzzle blast). You can shoot supersonic ammo through a suppressor. I do it all the time. It's about as loud as a .22 . I've never even heard of a suppressor that you can't shoot regular ammo in. You can shoot subsonic ammo through a weapon without a suppressor - it's basically almost as loud as usual, but it often makes self loading rifles malfunction - they won't cycle. In the real world, if you're using 5.56mm or .308 with a suppressor you're almost certainly using supersonic ammo. I've never even bothered trying because it's not worth the hassle trying to get 5.56mm that will still cycle my rifle. We should be able to put regular STANAG mags and M9 mags through the M4SD and M9SD - the noise level should be reduced, but still attract zombies. Perhaps pistol-ish noise levels for the M4SD and 1/2 normal for the M9SD. In both cases they should retain accuracy and power - modern suppressors don't "slow down" bullets or make them inaccurate. How about another realism issue - catching a cold in a ghillie suit. Yeah right. You should never get cold in one.... but on the other hand, you should over heat running in one and require more water.
  3. Nobody in this game is "not a threat" unless you know them personally. That guy you see with empty hands may still have a weapon, and even if he doesn't, he may be eyes-on-target for someone else. Same goes for competition - you're competing with everyone that you don't know personally. There is one "thing" in this game that you can have an unlimited amount of, that that thing is "people who don't have as many resources and capabilities as I do". This doesn't mean you have to KOS, but you cannot argue that people who do are not bettering themselves. It's not simply that they find "killing more fun than helping" - they find it more useful, because it is. People shooting out of fear aren't doing it out of a coherent KOS policy, they're doing it because they're idiots who panic while playing a computer game. You may choose to avoid other players instead of killing them out of personal preference or because it's safer to do so at that moment, but it's not inherently any better for you in the long run. Most likely worse. But hey, that's your call. Like in most games, most DayZ players are complete idiots. They have nothing to offer anybody, and they should honestly just stop being outraged that someone decided to shoot them instead of playing Post-Apocalyptic Pattycake with them. I suspect that the awful players who die of starvation 3 times in an single evening are a bit to dim to understand this, or that not everyone fails like that.
  4. Just a Goat

    What to do next??

    Just because you don't KOS doesn't mean you can build epic barbwire forts around random people's tents, or fill an entire town with tank traps. Go find some elaborate practical jokes to play.
  5. Just a Goat

    Is KOS really that big of a problem?

    Grouping is already rewarded and encouraged. There are a lot of people in here whining about KOS who are doing things far more idiotic. Let's take sneaking up on someone and pointing a gun at them, and telling them to "freeze" or "drop their weapon" so that you can "make sure they're friendly" as an example. Additionally, we can toss in addressing someone from a hidden location, since on the receiving end it all looks the same. This is a commonly advocated non-KOS tactic. It's idiotic, it leads to gunfights, and if you get wrecked doing it you deserve every last bit of it. They are 100% justified in shooting your ass. Quite simply - who the hell do you think you are running around pulling stunts like that? Ethically it's not any different than KOS, it's just riskier for you. You're coercing people even if you're too dim to understand that people you've told to not move or turn around will assume they have a gun pointed at them. When you point guns at people, bad things frequently happen. If you pulled this sort of stunt IRL, in many cases and jurisdictions they'd be legally justified in shooting you. I imagine many players living in places where they're just peons and not actual citizens have no experience with this sort of thing. The main motivation to de-escalate these sorts of things IRL is not wanting to have to deal with the legal hassles. In-game, there are no such hassles. If you expect someone to do anything other than shoot you in the face in response, then you're a fool who assumes they're also a fool. If you want to ethically avoid killing players, then your only reasonable options are paying attention and avoiding them entirely, or having big brass balls and approaching them while clearly not presenting a threat. All that's left after that is either kill-on-sight or kill-or-evade. We also need to address the bizarre fixation some people have on not getting shot by other people. These people seem to assume they have some sort of value to others. They often don't. Most likely you have nothing they want, you can't do anything for them that they can't do better on their own, and they're not interested in being your friend. If you approach them you're either a hostile, an idiot, or someone wanting something. There is no reason for them to help you, and the reasonable thing for them to do is either flee or shoot you. The game is a sandbox. People are frequently going to shape their part of the world by removing you from it.
  6. Your post is almost as poorly thought out as the OP's. Someone who isn't worried about being polite would simply call it stupid. You can't ban people for carrying hacked weapons because it's unfair to ban someone's key simply because they're a noob who picked up something they didn't realize they shouldn't have. That's pretty obvious, and if you can't think of that within the few seconds of time it takes to write a post, then you probably should spend more time thinking than posting. Additionally, as noted, hackers can spawn weapons into people's hands and into their inventory.
  7. Just a Goat

    Barb Wire Frustration

    There is a trick to it. This is much, much easier on servers with crosshairs. You need to stare at the stake for several seconds while completely motionless. That's it. You can't look all around and fish for the sweet spot, you'll never see anything. You have to pick a spot and not move *at all* for about 4 seconds. Then pick another spot, and another. If you have a crosshair, you should be able to tag a stake on the first try every time, if it's a valid removal stake.
  8. Hey if you want to run around playing pattycake with people, then you have to live with the consequences when it turns out you're in DayZ and not Happy Chernarus Chatroom Funtime. Killing everything that moves is a legit survival strategy. It may not be the most effective one... but it's a hell of a lot more effective than doing stupid crap like shouting friendly at everyone you see, or sneaking up on people and pointing guns at them to "make sure they're friendly". I do not kill everyone on sight. But if you run up to me and shout "friendly!" or start nattering about random nonsense I'm going to shoot you in the face. I'll do it because you're either an idiot (and idiots get people killed) or lying to set me up. There is no reason for me to talk to you. I have no interest in helping you because there's nothing in it for me. You have nothing I want, you can't do anything for me that I can't do for myself better, and I have no more interest in talking to random idiots in DayZ than I do in real life. If I want to talk about rainbows and unicorns and happy funtime BS, I'll go down to the local college and talk to the poli-sci majors. People who are competent enough to either not need the help of others and/or to show up with friends in the first place simply have no need to associate with booger eaters in Chero. Note that none of this is even remotely KOS. If I see someone and they see me, and we both clearly want to un-ass the area and not bother each other, fine. This is also, btw, why servers should have a Rocket-approved option to turn on text sidechat. I have no problem talking to people in a non-immediate context. There is a big difference between friendly banter in a side channel and someone trying to do it in your face while you're trying to steal beans and figure out if they want to make you into a hat. You the person is not necessarily you the survivor.
  9. Just a Goat

    This is a SIMULATION, not a GAME.

    DayZ is not ultra-realistic, though it is as realistic as Rocket can easily manage. There are a lot of contrived nonsense things about even Arma II (personal pet peeve - not being able to shoot supersonic ammo through the suppressed weapons. That's retarded.) And DayZ very much is a game. Being a simulation does not mean it isn't a game. If there is a way to determine winners and losers and people are competing, then it's a game. 3rd person is not worth getting butthurt over, even for realism freaks (and I am one).
  10. Just a Goat

    PVP Trouble

    First, understand that just about everything is PvP. In that sense, the term is meaningless in this game. You're always operating at cross-purposes to anyone who isn't explicitly friendly to you, unless you're making efforts to be friendly to everyone. It's simply that sometimes this results in them dying. You can't just run into the city to hunt people down. If you want to kill people, then you need to ALWAYS be hunting people. Scan 360 degrees constantly; always take advantage of cover and concealment, and always assume there is someone with a sniper scope or binocs scanning your area looking for people. Players fighting players isn't something that just happens in Cherno. It happens everywhere, all the time. I would honestly suggest finding some historical accounts of things like LRRP's in Vietnam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Range_Reconnaissance_Patrol) and reading up on general infantry tactics. It sounds like you really have no idea where to even start. Ignore the people spamming COD jokes. Killing everyone that isn't you is a legit survival strategy even if it means you're an asshole.
  11. Playing only on servers with the matching Beta version has reduced the problem for me but not eliminated it. I will try waiting in the lobby. Now, !! WHAT TO DO IF YOU'RE KILLED INSTANTLY ON LOADING IN: When you get instakilled, the first thing you see is the scoreboard and then "(yourname) was killed." in the lower left. Force Quit the game immediately, preferably not by alt-F4ing if you can manage it quickly. Load back into a different server that is a known "good" server for you. If you get instakilled again, repeat the process. If you run out of good servers, cycle back through them. When you load in correctly at the right place, alive and with gear - and you most likely will the first time - MOVE TO A DIFFERENT LOCATION BEFORE LOGGING OUT AGAIN. I also prefer to do something like shuffle items between bag and vest slots and shoot a tree, etc. The basic deal here is that as long as you force quit immediately and do not respawn, you will be fine - this is because you don't actually die when you 'respawn' like this, you only get teleported to the coast because you chose to respawn/stuck around too long/whatever. At that point, you're not given new stats or starter gear because you never legitimately died in the first place Normally this works on the first try. We had a guy who had to load into servers for 15 minutes last night because he forgot to move on his first (and successful) re-login. He got instakilled about 10 times after that. If you simply keep getting killed over and over, step up your game by trying to reconnect and then force-quitting during "loading", to try to get a (living and equipped) free ride to the coast. You may simply be in a spot you can't spawn in regularly. It's better than dying and usually seems to load you in the correct spot successfully when all other methods have failed.
  12. "Plus barbed wire is pretty much useless so I don't see why people feel the need to put it everywhere." "it's still annoying" "I can get into the church MAYBE half the time" "every major building in Elektro" "almost all servers." Pro tip: if everyone is doing it, it's probably not useless. Bonus tip: the purpose is to keep you out of the buildings. Seems like it's working pretty damn well isn't it? Seriously, I wonder how half the player base gets out of bed in the morning without choking on their alarm clock.
  13. Just a Goat

    NEW DayZ SONG - 'Cauze I got High

    People who think it helps them focus probably also think it improves their judgement and memory, too. Oh, oops, wait...
  14. Just a Goat


    Seriously? I'm more upset that someone is dumb enough to swim down there with an AKSU and swim back up with the same. What is wrong with people... I swear, most of the looting I see in DayZ videos is mind-bogglingly retarded.
  15. Just a Goat

    What is the longest you have survived?

    I don't see why anyone feels the need to go to NWAF anyways. Just steal the stuff from someone who did go.
  16. Just a Goat

    The "power" of Alt F4.

    I'd rather have people get away than get killed repeatedly when logging in due to stupid bugs.
  17. Just a Goat

    Lee enfield Vs. Fn Fal & M14

    What is with people and this idea? Seriously? I hear some of the most inane stuff on this forum, but that right there is surprisingly common. Self loading vs. bolt action is pretty much irrelevant. .303 vs. .308 comes down to projectile type, that's about it. If you're using ancient round nosed FMJ's in the Enfield, then the terminal ballistics will suck.
  18. Just a Goat

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    If you did buy Arma II for the DayZ mod and have not played any similar games in the past, then he probably really was kicking you for more useful people. Most FPS gamers in Arma II will just run around like retards doing stupid things without even knowing it.
  19. Just a Goat

    So we can't ban Hoarders?

    This is a persistent world post apocalyptic zombie survival game. Therefore, this is probably one of the dumbest threads I've ever seen. Ever. On any forum, on any topic.
  20. Just a Goat

    Tents still aren't fucking saving.

    All 40 or so tents whose location in that I noted down have since disappeared entirely. Ha.
  21. Just a Goat

    mental goings on!

    Not quite. Most people think they're not assholes and rationalize their actions. You know, the typical nonsense of telling people that for everyone's safety they "can't" have weapons, pointing guns at them while saying you're "just trying to make sure they're friendly", etc. A surprising number of people don't want to be assholes, but then don't realize when they've crossed the line.
  22. Just a Goat

    Why punish bandits?

    A headscarf is not a "punishment" If a player is so stupid that they don't understand that the humanity system is borked, irrelevant, and completely unworkable, then you really have no idea whether they're going to shoot you anyways. People screaming for internet firefight hall monitors are idiots. People who take what the hall monitors say at face value are even bigger idiots. This is because they're typically unable to think these sorts of situations through logically and understand all the participants' options and motivations in the first place.
  23. Just a Goat

    Middle age men who play Dayz

    I haven't seen that thread since it was much shorter, but whatever happened in it... you honestly can't tell us you didn't expect whatever it was that happened. There are plenty of women that play DayZ, but people simply won't know in-game.
  24. Just a Goat

    Remove all military sniper rifles....

    Remove all people who aren't competent and can't figure out how to not get sniped. How's that? Scoped weapons are not exactly rare, be they hunting rifles or military ones (Many of the military sniper rifles are simply built off hunting rifles, you know - look at the M24, it's just a glorified Remington 700) It makes no sense to remove sniper rifles but leave assault and battle rifles in. And you're still going to get shot from 700m away regardless. You think it's bad now, wait until ammo is actually scarce, and people start shooting from farther away with fewer rounds. Stop being an idiot. You can't expect your enemy to fight you on your preferred terms. If they define "fun" as winning, then they really don't give a damn what you think is fun - they're only going to care about what gets the job done. It doesn't matter whether or not you understand why they think it's fun; it is only necessary for you to understand that they do, and to plan accordingly. You can call it "weak" all you want, you still fail hard when you run around in the city like a fool and get shot by them. This reminds me of the Brits whining about American riflemen deliberately shooting at officers from concealed positions.
  25. Just a Goat

    What has happened?

    You can't tell someone who is paying to rent a server that people aren't allowed to play on it because you don't think there are enough people on it. That's just silly. If you're that butthurt about the survival times, then go hunt people on low pop servers.