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Everything posted by mmcalpine11b@hotmail.com

  1. mmcalpine11b@hotmail.com

    M107/AS50 and Skill; do they go with one another?

    https://www.atrrs.army.mil/atrrscc/courseInfo.aspx?fy=2012&sch=071&crs=010-ASIB4&crstitle=SNIPER&phase= There's the numbers. Granted, those numbers go down considerably due to drops but overall you can see the numbers. Yep, you're right about any branch of service attending, however when we went I don't seem to remember another branch there. We were all 11B and 5 EOD techs. Marines have their own school (but have exchange programs with the army) and most SOCOM units send their operators to SOTIC (Special Operations Target Interdiction Course). Out of my recon platoon 10 of 12 men were B4 qualified. Nearly every other recon platoon in the regiment had the same composition.
  2. mmcalpine11b@hotmail.com

    M107/AS50 and Skill; do they go with one another?

    Im not basing this off of rambo. I am basing this on knowledge of actually attending the USASS in Ft Benning and being in a Recon Section for the last 5 years of my military career. I can promise you a hit to the extremity will more than likely amputate it. Not always, but the majority of the time.
  3. mmcalpine11b@hotmail.com

    M107/AS50 and Skill; do they go with one another?

    Where have you found these facts??? Less than a thousand?? Over 10 times a year the Army produces 30-40 new snipers. That's just Army, this does not include the Navy, Coast Guard and Marines. Also not including graduates of the ASOC SOTIC classes. A half inch hole??? Really buddy? If you get hit by a .50 round from the M107 in the foot your leg is coming off. If you get hit in the hand, you'll be down an arm.<br /><br />