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Everything posted by Razumen

  1. Razumen

    [Suggestion] Sleep

  2. Razumen

    Remove the pseudo-dynamic weather script

    Hey guys, here's a radical thought: since the game tracks the real world's time AND date, why not have the weather in the game dependent upon the actual current weather in the region the map is based on??? A little more complicated to implement, but definitely more realistic than some pseudo-random weather script. And yes, I'm all for removing the fog on clear days.
  3. Razumen

    The "I know that guy" visual system

    More skin and character customization is what the game needs so we can recognize friends and enemies alike - visual cues are always more efficient than ones that rely on reading words on a screen.
  4. Day Z should just have a deeper skin customization from the get go. Everyone wants to be unique, and if everyone looks significantly different enough from one another you'll be able to remember what the bandits look like and convey that information to your team. bandit skins didn't solve this problem and neither will lootable skins. Bandits will still be able to hide from recognition by changing their appearance at will.
  5. Razumen

    Can not place a tent

    Same issue, couldn't place a tent anywhere and other people on the server had the same problem...
  6. Definitely for this 100%, movement is so clunky in the Arma2 engine every little bit helps.
  7. I thought that too, until I got one-shotted by a sniper. my fault really, no city is truly safe.
  8. Razumen

    make zombies slower

    Rofl..You really think they work perfectly fine? Why don't we make them into torpedoes instead and make them blow anything up on impact..That fine with you too? Seriously though' date=' you are one easy man to please. Everyone agrees that the zeds in their current state are very broken and should be priority #1 IMO. [/quote'] They're broken, but their speed is not the issue, it's their jittery-ness, their glitching through walls and doors, their zig-zagging and their instant acceleration that is the problem.
  9. Razumen

    make zombies slower

    The speed isn't the problem, it's their lack of acceleration from a standstill, and how they can turn on a dime that's the real issue here. If there was even a fraction of time where they had to gain full momentum it would be a lot better.
  10. Razumen

    Restore Blood \ Health Over Time

    I think blood should definitely SLOWLY regen as well, the current system is a bit wonky in my opinion. Basically, instead of eating food giving you an immediate blood boost, your blood should slowly regen as long as BOTH your hunger and thirst meters are somewhere in the 75-90% range, and the lower you are on blood the quicker these meters will deplete (even while stationary). Blood bags will still give you a bigger boost quicker than this method, but the gain should still be gradual to simulate the time it takes for the bag to be completely depleted. The rate of regen as people have mentioned already should be very slow, but still high enough that it can be a viable longterm strategy VS the quicker, but more risky method of trusting someone to give you a transfusion. This means that when you are low on blood you will still have to continually scrounge for food and water if you want to get your blood back that way, so this method won't really encourage idlers or campers (unless you have a shit-ton of food and water packed away somewhere, but I don't think the majority of players have this luxury). Also, you won't regenerate your blood while being offline either. Also, it would be interesting if certain foods and drinks kept your meters higher for longer, for example eating freshly cooked meats would make your hunger deplete slower for a limited time compared to canned food (thus increasing the length of time your blood can regen) while the same would go for pure water vs. cans of cola.