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Everything posted by =CF=HurriKN29

  1. Copper, I've been playing on this server tonight also. I died 3 times by a group of 4 men. Two of them are Ba-Jesus and Louis... yeah, they´re hackers. After that I´m thinking to stop playing DayZ. I have no fun anymore playing with a bunch of hax everywhere. They ruined the game.
  2. =CF=HurriKN29

    Hax US387

    Hi guys, Check this pls: Nickname: Hot Carl When: 09/25/2012 15:17 GMT -3 Server: US 387 Possible hax: Teleportation and God Mod. Thx!
  3. Aos brasileiros que passeiam por este forum, meus camaradas não jogam DayZ com muita frequencia então se alguem tiver interesse em formar uma equipe, por favor me manda uma PM neste forum ou então deixa o e-mail como resposta. Temos um server de TeamSpeak3 operando. Requisitos: Ter microfone Ser maior de 18 anos Embora tenha alguns assassinatos no currículo, a preferencia é por um estilo de jogo survivor. Abraçosssssss
  4. Hi guys! Last week my friend and I found a bandit in Cherno. He did not see us, so we went looking for him and realized that he had entered a building. We decided to flank the building. We were on opposite sides when suddenly my friend was shot and killed, but the robber did not know there was another player, me. So I did what I should have done, hit a shot in his neck, but before falling through and dying, he disconnected. Slutty, no? So because of this, I ask the other members of the community which the opinion about the following suggestion: The game saves the profile of each player only at checkpoints. Checkpoints that may be every 10 or 15 or 30 minutes, whatever. If the player before disconnecting it, he will lose all he got from your last checkpoint. Does this will resolve situations where a player disconnects before dying, to avoid that all your items are picked up by their respective murderer? Sorry for the bad english.