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About Helldemon

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  1. Haha yeah, it's just luck I guess. But I love it when that happens, it's a more entertaining video.
  2. I think this one was a little bit better than the first one, but they were both good lol
  3. Helldemon

    DayZ Vigilante

    Nice video guys!
  4. Helldemon

    Kamikaze Pilot Fail

    Suicide dive!!
  5. Helldemon


    Wow, undeniable proof!
  6. Helldemon

    [VIDEO] How to steal a vehicle

    Looking forward to axe montage number 2.
  7. Helldemon

    [VIDEO] Hatchet Montage

    That guy who logged out got owned.
  8. But in a "situation" like this many people would go to the weapons stores first so maybe there wouldn't be as many guns as you think :P
  9. Helldemon

    What do we expect from DayZ Standalone?

    It's a good idea but not if they make an obvious choice that's much better than the others.
  10. Helldemon

    What do we expect from DayZ Standalone?

    Would be cool if dean hall would confirm the changes and the release date so we can look forward to it without speculating :P
  11. Helldemon

    What do we expect from DayZ Standalone?

    Nice points, I hope some of these are implemented!
  12. Helldemon

    DayZ - Humorous Airfield Ambush

    Another good video (:
  13. Too bad you died xD nice video!