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About 68fbjjz109

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. 68fbjjz109

    Factories And City Control

    Maybe it's just me, but I wanted to look into this further so I search Controlling old Industry using the Title, and Title and Content feature; I only got this thread... If it works for you would you mind posting the link.
  2. 68fbjjz109

    Suggestion: Ammo system

    Also since the majority of the weapons and gear in this game are based of military supplies, Armor Piercing, and Tracer rounds, and for larger calibers... Incinderary rounds. They exist for a reason, and could be surprisingly useful. Especially tracers, they can be used to mark targets/direct fire, they can be placed in magazines say the 25-28 rounds in a AR mag to let you know your almost out ammunition.. In Americas Army, the was a clear function which in the event of a jam, you would hit that key and your character would preform immediate action... for an AR based weapon it was S.P.O.R.T.S. The animation for immediate action for an M16 and most weapons is very similar to the reload animation, and thus manual cycling of the weapons could exist with little additional work.
  3. 68fbjjz109

    Suggestion: Ammo system

    I really like your take on the Ammunition situation, and weapon reliability. Weapon maintenance is crucial in harsh environments and a post apocalyptic war torn former Soviet State is certainty one. Additionally you should be able to fire non subsonic rounds through suppressed weapons. The penalty could be a slightly loader muzzle report, and possible an ominous crack since the round is still breaking the sound barrier. The would cause the Zombies to go to that area, however still mask the shooter. I hate the fact that I cannot shoot full powered loads through suppressed guns as I do it all the time, and it is still very effective at masking shooter position. To piggie back off weapon reliability shooting weapons suppressed, could effect reliably depending on the weapon. IE, and AR variant rifle gets rather dirty shooting non suppressed due to their gas system, they get filthy shooting suppressed... Where and AK, M14, 249,240 ect, are slightly less prone to the additional carbon because their gas system is piston driven. In contrast, unless the developers are putting adjustable gas system in the game... sub sonic loads will generally cause non suppressed semi/automatic weapons to malfunction, as they are generally heavy bullets with less powder, therefore in the absence of a suppressor creating back pressure; they cannot cycle a weapon properly.