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Everything posted by logan23
Your player's amnesia is solved leading you to be find out that you were the person who created the Infected Virus due to the lose of you one true love. The Virus was meant to allow a person to heal from death but instead you killed everyone with the outbreak, (oops should have not finished the formula after finishing a bottle of Vodka). This works well since with MMOs where all players are the same hero in the story but don't know it? MMO logic?! If a player ever says /or types......I will be right back, or I'll go check out that noise.... 5 seconds later a Zed spawns behind that player and kills them in one hit and runs away. Players can find a solid red shirt that can be worn but if you are in a group you are guaranteed to die. (Star Trek Red Shirt Guy LAW)
Infected Players… I want to be INFECTED!!!!
logan23 replied to SeaBiscuit (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Why this will not happen: 1- This means the developers need to build a system around being an Infected. Energy taken from core game development. 2- If there is a limit of say 70 players on a server at a time, this would also mean you will have players playing as Infected and less slots for the core game players. This idea is more for a mini game or side server game- like the DayZ hunter games,...not as a live feature in the vanilla DayZ game. Cool idea but it doesn't work with Dayz core game design/mechanics You can play ZombiU if you want this or Resident evil 6 -
Solution: You dig a whole and place your tent there then bury it with dirt. No one will find it, it so well hidden you will feel like squirrel looking for acorns in the winter. Down side,...you might see a field with tons of dirt mounds from all the tents buried. Player: "Aww, I dug up the wrong dirt mound,...and they didn't even have a can of beans. Now where did I bury my tent?!"
hmmm....If Zeds can smell..... Does that mean I want my player to smell good or awful?? Smelling clean might make me a taste meal... If I smell like vomit and have 5 diseases will i become more invisible to the Zed or will I find a crawler humping my leg,..thinking it's in love....?! :rolleyes:
Suggestion :Stop asking about Standalone Release
logan23 replied to Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I want to ask when is the Standalone...and also.... What is DayZ? never heard of it? But I agree people should stop asking when DayZ is out, and just ask when Standalone is out.... Hmmm in DayZ economy, do i want to trade this ammo for :beans: or :emptycan: ....so hard to choose,....I will pick :emptycan: since everything i learned about a post apocalypse comes from playing Fallout 3 :P As I get the tin can.....I feel as if everyone on the Server just did :facepalm: -
DayZ Standalone: Military guns and how they can balanced and fixed-modified
logan23 posted a topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
This is a discussion on higher end military guns…. Rocket has mentioned that guns being able to jam and having them setup to be able to modify in some way. I know the military weapons can easily make the DayZ game to easy at times… What I was thinking for the Standalone- When you find these sniper rifles or high end military guns they are discovered with no ammo in them or they are damaged and need a part replaced. The idea behind this is to make the player who sees that cool gun and say, hmmm should I pickup this powerful gun with damage/or no ammo or leave it and stick with what they have. Players need to make judgments where they might not be able to care this new empty gun with the gear they have already or see it as a good investment for the future. I don’t know if you could take parts/if any of one gun type or similar type and place it on another to fix it? I’m not a gun expert so I would love for those who have a back ground in guns/rifles/ballistics to chime in and offer how this would work, or even if it’s possible? What do you think, -
Zombie Hordes will do the Thriller Dance as they roam through the Forests.... When you see these Zombie Hordes doing the Thriller Dance,...in order to survive you must copy their dance moves by using a Quick-Time Event happens or you can use the motion control.... You will find players on Roleplaying Servers- where a player will get a Zed skin and Roleplay as an Infected.....and get angry when someone tries to bandage them..." dude i'm Infected you nee to be afraid of me,..ughh grr,..see man?!" Other player- "oh ok....Shoots roleplaying player/Zed,..then asks..did I do it right this time?"
DayZ Standalone: Military guns and how they can balanced and fixed-modified
logan23 replied to logan23's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
ok, so Damage Scopes is something that shouldn't be in game unless the player's sniper rifle gets damaged during a hatchet fight or gun fight as they using it? But if so there need to be places for the player to find scopes from a supply depot/military location or another way or the scope damage should not be an option. Interesting with the corrosive ammo. What would happen if a gun is left out in the rain and weather for months or a year without being touched by a person? Does rain do anything in general to a gun? Should swimming in water damage a gun? assuming guns or certain ones are not water proof? This would only go for guns not in the backpack. -
My pet Dog can talk and I feed it Scooby Snacks, Solve the crime of the crashed chooper,.... Capture the Hacker who was disguised as Zed, then under that a female survivor, then under that mask, a Bandit, and then finally under that mask it was a Cow. Yes the Cow caused the whole Infection outbreak just to get the chooper to crash which was used to transport cattle prods.....All this to keep Cows from getting zapped.
I can only imagine how many players would shoot the kid screaming down the street - breaks her leg- so the Zeds would be busy an not go after the player. OP- no there will be no NPCs in the game.
DayZ Standalone: Military guns and how they can balanced and fixed-modified
logan23 replied to logan23's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Very nice! That would be interesting, having must guns start off in poor condition since they have been not used and left out there for months/years (depending on the game's outbreak timeline) Players then need to have kits to improve/clean the guns and with limited use, this means you would have to make judgement if you want to clean your AK 47 or you sniper rifle, or handgun,...Players will need to decide is it better have gunX or GunY in top condition? This would mean bandits and player killers would need a constant up keeping of the gun over the player who cleans it and doesn't use often? Maybe a gun used often need maintenance more often verse one that is not used or not often? - if someone can say if this logic on this question would be correct/logical Actually having guns start off needing some cleaning or maintenance, especially military grade would help deal with the issue of find X military gun and = easy win button? With the idea of the Icon for the gun degrade, can this be done so the gun you use actively would represent the icon's state and if you change guns this Icon would change to match the new gun you switch too? If a sniper rifle's lens is cracked or damaged, how hard would it be to replace? Would you need an exact same gun with proper working lens or can you actually make a new one from glass or other gun scopes? -
Looting a building in the cold weather, A guy finds proper clothes to keep warm Girls always find skirts and shirts which must always be tied off to show their flat stomach and curves. (yet this keeps them as warm as the guy who has the winter sub zero jacket) When you crash a car and it explodes,..you still able to walk away with only that one bad ass scar/cut from the crash.
Chopper landings cause a Michael Bay slow motion and then suddenly the sun seems to always be setting giving that color filter feel.
When you are fixing a car or cleaning out the gun, there is a Rocky Movie montage.
DayZ Standalone: Military guns and how they can balanced and fixed-modified
logan23 replied to logan23's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I have started looking into the gun jamming issue,..and how it might show up and why for the SA I think the confusion is that your looking at the gun you find in DayZ as being brand new. The military and guns in general in DayZ were ones used before the outbreak and used during the outbreak, this means the guns you find are from soldiers and civilians who were killed by infected. If this is true then you have cases where a soldier dies from an infected killing them and the gun is damaged or affected in some manner due to the attack. There is also the case that some of these guns could be used by people who have been cut off from the rest of the world and holding up for months and was not properly cleaning or up keeping the gun since they were hold up in a shelter thinking everyday is their last. The idea of going to find a kit to clean or help keep the gun as mint condition or even good condition when leaving your hiding spot could mean death. You might also have civilians who were miss using the weapon and also the not preferred ammo brand which could also lead to issues. We have to remember that these guns have been through a lot, from miss use, no up keeping, weather, used to hit an Infected or a barrier to prevent one from killing the individual. These are the conditions the guns in DayZ SA are in. The are not brand new and up kept. Depending the the timeline of the Infected outbreak and the start of DayZ SA, it could have been weeks, months, or even years. Some of my finds on Gun Jams come from player's hand being weaken from constant firing which can cause the hands to move up and down which affects the way the gun discharges the shell/casing. There are other issues that can come up from magazines being deformed or springs needing to be replaced/affected. I'm not finished with my research but the idea that guns would jam is very real and cold weather (if we have seasons or mountain snow zones) could mean a player to keep ever more constant care on the weapon due to the cold weather on key parts. From what i learned: Guns could be found damaged or needing a cleaning/maintenance right when you find them since it could have been months since the last person used it. Gun jamming could be caused by being used often "weak wrists" that could lead to jamming. Proper up keeping with cleaning, lubrication could also cause issues. Springs and clips could have issues and lead to gun jamming/issues. some Reference http://www.wildernessmanuals.com/manual_2/chpt_6/3.html http://www.ehow.com/video_4435335_additional-information-jammed-handguns.html I'm still looking into with Rain- what affects it would have if a weapon is left to the weather for several months. I'm also looking at what are possibilities about finding a same gun/rifle and removing a part of the newly found one and fixing the one you have with the new bolt, or other mechanism. Also looking into sniper Scopes/lenses and how the possibly that in DayZ SA you will see a sniper rifle but there might be a X% chance that the lens is broken - meaning you must replace it. let me know what you think, But lets not get into a big, i know guns better then you argument and keep to looking at the question on guns and jamming - how it would work in DayZ. thanks =) Beans for all -
I would love to see a way to have container that can be placed into the ground using a shovel. These would be harder to find by other players but also they can only hide small stashes. As for Tents,...Hopefully DayZ Standalone will be a game where players don't think,..oh i wish i had 2 more tents to stash all my gear but rather.....have a tent and wonder will i be able to ever fill it since DayZ's world is harsh. If DayZ standalone has it where lone wold players can have 3 tents full of gear then something is wrong in the game where resources need to be tweaked so there is always this constant pull on the player who can never feel comfortable, they need to look for supplies to keep surviving not have 3 tents of supplies ready so they could sit and live for days without ever moving on the map.
Classes.... The problem with classes is when you put a player as a class type,..then you end up with players who want certain class party makeups and also there is the idea that everyone rolls the flavor of the week skill/class. DayZ is meant to be a game where you are anyone you want to be, we all start on an even foot (unless you played longer and die then yeah you know a little more,..or have a map app...but now im losing my focus lol). Now you mention about a player doing say medical or fix a car and gain skill points which just means you fix faster or maybe the heal more per medical shot created for use. Problem: You will have players fixing a car then shooting it, then fixing just to max out their points in the X skill. You will have players taking turns shooting each other then bandage to gain more medic skill points,... Basically this introduces GRIND..... The other thing this is CRYING OUT FOR....is BOTS who are players who just repeat actions to up skill points. This has happen in other MMOs and it would happen here. Oh I forgot the rage and QQing from players who got their skill to high a high level then get killed and start raging in forums on how they should be able to keep their skill points after they die...this would lead to the end of DayZ as a special game and it would become a generic game.... OP- Your ideas are not bad, they are just not for this game, DayZ.
In a DayZ world only items of use are of value...... coin/paper money are only good to melt down, used to toss to distract a Zed (like a tin can) and paper money is only good for burning in fire or placing in your clothes for insulation. A trade type of currency will evolve but it will be created by players and will probably be slightly different per server/ server cluster.
How seasons would help DayZ Game.
logan23 replied to m.w. vindicator's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
If servers do set the time table for how long each/per season is from the , let's say 2-5 options,..then that means players can't hope from servers with different season time setups. I like the idea and i can see Servers choosing from 2-3 time setups. -
Survivor camps/bases/houses + ingame money!
logan23 replied to trexeth's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Honestly if I'm in the Dayz world and have one person offering coins/paper money and another offering any of these- bear trap, can food, ammo (not for my gun), bandage,.... I'm going with the person not giving me coins and paper money since they are worthless. I understand that we should have some form of trade/currency but this should be developed by the server's community, which leads to the road block for this to happen. If Server Hopping makes a ingame player driven currency impossible since there is a good chance that some servers will have one system and another server will have a different one even if they are similar, there is still issues. Solution: Servers could be clustered into groups of 3-5 servers to a Hive. There is a larger chance of a player created currency established since there are fewer servers sharing the Hive and would lead to a one or 2 types of currencies. Ideally you would not have server hopping but that would be more fitting if we had 3 maps per server- allowing the number of players needed for this. Players can create another different character on different Hive/server clusters/server. What would be good is to have some players start working on player driven currency projects now. The easiest currency I can see is bandages. Players need bandages to keep from breaking to death and you can create a system based on them where 5 bandages = X ammo of ZGun. XAmmo = Xmedicine Xbandages = XCanFood Xbandages = XDrink XAmmo = Xgun etc.... I'm thinking there must be a website that would be able to give us a good idea on how this type of system would function. -
What?! I don't understand the post? How does this fit into the game??
There is a difference- Temperature and hunger are something that is to match the player living in those environments. Sitting in a chair at your computer does not cross over to be able to simulate the feeling of needing food or the temp- which you can control your home's temp. With adrenaline, this is something that can be felt by the player in that chair playing the game. I have had many times where I was playing DayZ and have my heart beat increase or find myself immersed in the harsh world where I try to sneak into the airfield, hoping I didn't miss any possible snipers in the area as i move in to loot. There is no need to have an adrenaline meter to tell you something that you can actually feel in real life, unless you want to make it a game mechanic that will affect the player's flexibility in the game world. If do want it as a game mechanic in the game, there is an issue- We all but know there will be some type of Stamina meter so we can't run fast for ever as we can now in dayz mod. If this is true, we have a conflict with the 2 meters. EX. Players running at top speed will decrease the Stamina meter by X value per second. Now if you have an adrenaline meter which would trigger at moments lets say when tension is at it's highest, then you would be able to run faster but also your Stamina meter will decrease faster due to logic/energy use. Now you can control the use of the Stamina use but the adrenaline use would be unable to be controlled by player since it fires at certain moments of game play. You will get moments where the player will be in a moment where they want to use there Stamina up for their fast run but since the game determined that it equals the trigger for the adrenaline, you will see the Stamina meter drop faster. This could very easily lead to a player being killed by another player or Zeds since the player thought they had X number of seconds to run when they had (X - (adrenaline value)). This will lead to players hating to have the adrenaline fire since they can't control it plus they might argue that it fired to often, etc. Major headache in balancing the mechanic. It's an interesting idea but I only see issues with it plus player's should determine their own feeling of adrenaline (they can actually feel this) verse the game deciding and building a mechanic around it. As for a shot that increases an Adrenaline meter, from what i have read online about this pill form- it's not very healthy and actually would be harmful if used over large periods of time.
Problem: How would you balance a Stamina and Adrenaline Bars? I'm thinking there should just be a stamina bar since the Adrenaline is something based on player's personal reaction. EX: If 2 people watch a horror movie or a sad movie,...both people might not react to the stimuli the same. So in DayZ by making the adrenaline a game mechanic, you are forcing if the player would actually get this jolt or not. Some could argue that over time in the game you would become less and less shocked by a Zed showing up since your use to it. I believe the idea of Adrenaline is best determine by the player's own real reactions verse a game determining them for them.
I like this idea. This would give bandits the option to rob/loot players without killing them. I'm sure there are some bandits who wish to get gear but feel conflicted or wish not to waste the bullet on the player. Plus if we see an increase in Zeds and gun shots attract them more easily,..this could also help bandits/players from attracting Zeds to the scene. I can also imagine scenes where a player is being robbed but his friend is making his way to the spot and shoots the bandit/robber. This could make things very interesting with players using their creativity with this.
You can have different screams and volumes depending on the injury but I can see players recording these screams onto their IPhone and then playing them just to mess with players near by. You won't know if its real or not since it's the ingame scream not a player using their voice