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Everything posted by logan23

  1. logan23

    Change the name to Day I

    You must ground your game's design and if the DayZ Infected are written to have it where head shots take them down fast but multiple body shots will also kill then that is how it will work. We don't know hoe the Virus works so could the Infected restore body mechanics and actually still revive it's self if it's not a head shot,...we don't know. But my money is that it will not be a head shot is the only way to kill them. Maybe acts of kindness will kill an Infected,....Go give that Infected a Hug!... -I wonder how many player would fall for that if another player said to a new spawn- go give the Infected a hug lol
  2. logan23

    Walking Zombies

    No, all players are Immune to the Virus. You can't turn into an infected, you can only die.
  3. logan23

    Female costumes!

    I know all clothes are unisex so.......If a girl finds a tanktop that shows the belly.......and a male loots her body...will be be wearing a female tanktop showing his belly? Awkward :facepalm:
  4. logan23

    Change the name to Day I

  5. logan23

    1 tank with manual (driving only)

    If there are Tanks in DayZ SA- they should be broken and are basically a great place to pull off scrap metal/resources to be applied to your base building or fixing cars/choppers. Just as a chopper is a place players go for say weapons, Tanks could be places where players can find scraps and material.
  6. logan23

    Dress Code

    I believe we will see something like this but It will probably be clans setting up their own secret way of checking if you are with the group or a stranger. We will player try different ways to find a way to know who is friendly and who are possible threats. Ex. In DayZ Mod, I never pickup the Alice Backpack- It's like putting a big target on my back. I will keep to the starter or the smaller packs. This makes me a tad less of a target and players might think I'm a new spawn so there is little to gain from killing me. You have to remember the gear you carry can make another player decide to hunt you for your stuff or to just let you pass if a gun shot will give away their position to other players in the area. I'm very interested in the economy which will form from players, i'm sure there will a few versions since maybe based on the server.
  7. logan23

    Real...I mean, REAL heli crash sites for SA

    I agree with not having random loot. I like the idea of some choppers are more military while others might be research, medical or even salvaging items. This will keep players interested in seeing what could be on there rather then knowing its always X. You might see a chopper go down and wonder if it might be one with medic supplies to cure your infection or sickness. Choppers should always keep players guessing- this keeps the feeling of exploring/discovering alive. Could we have a chopper if a fresh crash be leaking out gas/fuel so you might want to be careful with fire arms.
  8. logan23

    Walking Zombies

    You have to remember these humans who are infected are not dead, they are very much alive but infected with a virus like the Rage on in 28 Weeks/days later. This means an infected that doesn't eat might live 2-4 weeks. If this infected got any form of food during these 2-4 weeks the timer would be bump back close to the start. There is also the concept that as more and more Infected die out or are killed, we will see a growth in player verse player/group conflicts due to arguments over territory. This increase of dead humans from other players = Infected coming from off map to find their way to feed or the constant sounds of gun fire. This above concept would actually keep the balance of Infected populations on the map, giving the push pull over the Infected size map populations. Can see slower Infected when they have not had food for some time but don't expect them to be the norm. We will most likely see 3 walker type of Infected 1- The hyper fast = most healthy 2- The normal fast/quick movement but not as fast as the hyper ones 3- The slow moving ones due to lack of food. Of course there are the crawling types and the hunch over ones.
  9. Solution is to have some Servers which are First person only, Players who want that experience can go there and others who want a 3rd and first person can go to other servers, win win
  10. logan23

    DayZmeets Wasteland

    I believe if Base construction was done above ground in DayZ SA they would want to have it in smaller pieces, not a one item drop as the video shows above. With having so many smaller parts on a base build , this would cause issues with the Server, so the Underground Instance -Bases would allow you to have them but not clutter the Server and cause issues with lag, etc
  11. logan23

    Real...I mean, REAL heli crash sites for SA

    I would love to be walking through a forest or town and hear a chopper with smoke and crash, all NPCs would be dead but it will make players think...was that a NPC or Player crash chopper?
  12. logan23

    Interview with Matthew Lightfoot

    Thanks for the Interview =)
  13. Voting has closed, thanks to everyone who voted DayZ in running MMORPG.com Players' Choice Awards for: 2012's Rising Star link: http://www.mmorpg.com/
  14. logan23

    DayZmeets Wasteland

    The problem with base building on the map is that it clutters the servers. Wasteland is more of short battles and control points, with the bases while DayZ is more of a persistent world, MMO type. There won't be server restarts in DayZ SA. There will be bases underground which you can build. they are looking at instancing them so it take pressure off the server for the main map. You can still have your base but you have to work for it, get supplies and tools, and help from other players to make it go faster.
  15. logan23

    DayZ Best Date For Release

    What ever date they feel would be best for the project/game. I rather them push back a month or a few weeks if it means that the DayZ SA is fully stable and ready for their update schedule.
  16. logan23

    Weapon Misfire and/or Jam

    We all know that some form of Weapon misfire/jam mechanic will be in DayZ SA, What we should be talking about is how best it could be done, What games have gotten it right with the gun jamming and what games didn't and why. Should guns start off needing to be cleaned? Should certain guns have a better chance at misfire/jamming then others when they are at the same level of deterioration? Should the use of the weapon = the speed of the deterioration and should certain guns deteriorate faster due to the make of the gun. Should there be a chance that guns being damaged during a gun fight, especially if the attacker is using a high cal gun and hotting the player in body, not the head? If a player is killed, should there be a chance that the weapon the player is caring could be damaged? Higher chance if melee weapon or gun used in the kill? I think these are questions that would help with the developers in the SA. We all know this feature is going to be in game, so let's talk about how it could be added and what are the pitfalls if placed in incorrectly.
  17. I agree that there needs to be a way to not make it something a player can spam and win. I mentioned above in my post about taking in the two player's Water level Food level Stamina Fresh spawn Vet survivor Sick or well Injured- blood level Broken bone was just set By working with these factors, this will keep a player from spamming to win- in a struggle. A lot of this will depend on what they can do with model to model interaction-sync up to have them make contact or be able to say push another player, etc. Until we know the boundaries on what can be done in the animations and player to player sync up contact,..we can't answer this question.
  18. logan23

    Are you Ready for the Bloodsucker?

    DayZ Namalsk sounds like it's the Area 51 of DayZ. you have a hidden military base which maybe did some secret experiments with the Infected Virus. Then you have the Special alien no bullet drop gun. The Blood suckers which sound like they are part of the lore of this Area 51 style location...
  19. You are comparing apples to oranges. Arma2 was released as a finished game. They did not release it in the minecraft style of an alpha. You can't compare DayZ SA Alpha to Arma2. I'm simply stating that during the DayZ SA Alpha phase that we need to focus on one build or two. A person who buys the DayZ SA Alpha should understand that you are helping in testing the builds as you play and give feedback. This feedback will in turn along with the data gather from servers, will help the developers fine tune features and look at how they can get it better. When the game is released as Day SA final version game- in 12 months or more,...then I can see ok,..private servers might get more options with setting up the game on a private hive,...because the game is done. But during the SA Alpha,..we should be helping Rocket and his team by playing and giving feedback on the builds as they role out and the new features, this will help him produce the gem of a game Dayz will become. That's What i see.
  20. I looked at both games unarmed fighting (thanks YouTube ) The problem i see with these two game fighting for the DayZ is.....You will have that one player running around and being all karate kid on everyone. I agree there needs to be a normal fist fight but this mechanic we are talking about is if you are doing struggle- ie. grab the other player in close quarters. It will be interesting how Rocket adds hand to hand combat
  21. Mods are meant to be altered or tailored per player wishes/server admin, that's why it's a mod. If the DayZ SA keeps the same rules as the mod, the game will never be finished since there is no way to test data from the players playing since you have all these servers with their own rules. DayZ SA is a game so there will be limitations on what the private hive servers can do, in theory. DayZ SA is the game that Rocket has always wanted the mod to be but the limitations of being a mod kept this from being truly what he wants. We will see DayZ SA move in directions which the mod couldn't and features like underground bases which can be in the SA but not in the Mod as envisioned. For an Alpha testing of DayZ SA to work, there needs to be a build to test, not 50 private hive builds which will only get in the way of getting the loot tables balanced- if the private hives are able to have as much freedom as they did with the mod. There needs to be one build with a few different things you can alter/ ie. difficulty/settings For the hands on all variables - that's what the mod is useful for, not the SA.
  22. I love the idea and concept! I understand the issue with not making it feel like a quicktime event, - smashing buttons faster then other player. I came up with some ideas and mechanics on how the concept you presented in game. If players are close enough then they can click a button to go into the struggle mode There needs to be animations for situations- Unarmed vs rifle/sniper gun/ax Unarmed vs hand gun/ machine gun Unarmed vs unarmed During the struggle the player can hit a button which will be an attack on the there player while in struggle (It is the timing of using the button - If you use it at the wrong time, it will work against your struggle, but use at the right time it will cause the other player to get an elbow or but of the gun hit to the body/face.) This will keep the player from button mashing since it would work against you. Unarmed player will kick or elbow other player Rifle/sniper/ax/crobar use the but of the gun like an elbow motion Hand gun you will be both holding and struggle for the gun, player with gun has a chance to fire gun into other player foot while unarmed will kick player All struggle will create noise and if gun is fired - both could attract attention from infected The struggle mechanics are centered around certain factors Water level Food level Stamina Fresh spawn Vet survivor Sick or well Injured- blood level Broken bone was just set These factors are played onto a formula which gives us who will win the struggle if the other player is not able to get upper hand Ends of struggle- No struggles end up with an unarmed player able to take the other's gun or melee weapon. If struggle ends based on stats then the winner will hit with but of gun or kick the other player back and down on the ground. That player will have a shake handle on weapon if present or blur effect ( you want to create a push away distance so the player can have the opportunity to run - if say the player won a struggle with an armed player and they have no weapon) The winner can either run away, pull their gun and fire , punch the player- But the player who is on the ground if armed with a gun can still fire at you. To win by use of kick, elbow, but of rifle/ax ,or shoot player in foot (shoot in foot does not cause bleeding just pain) Depending on the stats and the stamina plus your vet status can factor in how much a beating can you take before losing struggle If both players are armed they can still go into struggle by the player who hit the button first becomes the unarmed aggressor, but most situations on two armed players will simply fire the gun With a system like this- you only need a limit number of animations and only has one button to hit as you struggle but it must use at the right time . Since struggles don't equal players losing guns and no instant death or major injury-- allows the event to happen but players can't abuse it. Oh struggle could be good to keep player in a struggle while a buddy comes in and shoots the non friendly player. What do you think?
  23. logan23

    DayZ Best Date For Release

    I think the Dec 21 end of the world date would be perfect for it's release. We should be finding out what is going on with release and other things soon.
  24. logan23

    is dayzSA a MMO or a FPS?

    DayZ is not really both yet it has features/part of booth. DayZ is a Survival Sandbox ...in time be an MMO When DayZ has 5 maps and all connect and more players on per server (servers would have all 5 maps and you use zoning/instancing to each), players have one character per server Then it will be reaching the level of a MMO but right now its just learning how to crawl..alpha DayZ could introduce a new game genera, where games will be sandbox and hardcore (or at least have the option) the experience will be the main core focus on these future games. These would be games that would setup the world and it's rules then allow players to do what they wish within these rules. EDIT: I would love to see an Alien(s) (from the movies) game built around a sandbox hardcore survival like DayZ. Picture your a survivor on a planet where there is an Alien outbreak. There were Space marines who landed but it went all to hell. You one of the last survivors and you hope that your signal will someday bring a rescue party but till then you must survive the harsh world, the Aliens and even players vs players who feel there is only enough supplies but not for everyone. I hope DayZ's success would bring a game like this, inspired by DayZ's survival and harsh world mechanics.
  25. logan23

    Weapon Misfire and/or Jam

    I wonder if you have GunA and GunB Now both are at say 60% and need some cleaning,...This is where Jamming happens ever so often but- Does the type of gun actual Gun brand/name actually get factored in? So with GunA might jam (at the need cleaning state above) every 30 rounds (number is place holder) While GunB might jam (at the need cleaning state above/same percentage as GunA) every 20 rounds? Just wondering...