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Everything posted by logan23

  1. logan23

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    I understand that people are worried about or seeing at times players are going alone or in a group and just killing players on spot, in theory to get their gear or they enjoy the deathmatch feel- but killing just random people would get boring. I know some mention to make zombies more powerful so people won't do this but this doesn't solve the mental state of why this is done. The first is people kill each other for their loot- better guns/backpack/ supplies- Solution: Allow Players to booby trap their backpack so if someone loots their dead body they will set off a ammo/flare trap that makes noise and injures the looter (none of these are kill traps). This will alert zombies in the area and the looter has to waste some bandage/morphine/painkillers for these items. Also some of the dead player's gear is destroyed/or only items in bag are destroyed due to the trap. The player who places one of these booby traps in their backpack will need items to build this trap plus it takes a bit of room in the back pack. This captures the same fear you find when you meet another survivor.....are they friendly?...but now the person who right off plans to kill you is wondering...does he have a trap in his bag that could waste my last bandage/painkillers just for some gun or ammo? This keeps the Fear state in the players mind. Solution: Allow players to hide gear/supplies like a squirrel hides acorns, allow there to be hidden at certain points on the map by using a tool/ under a stone. (Now when player kills you they might not get all your goodies and you can go back with the respawn. The other issue is a player just killing the players for fun- with no real goal but to ruin another player's fun and increase a body count. Solution: This could be tied to Humanity and possibly turning to a zombie. Since we know that the Zombies in DayZ are based on a virus then we could use the idea of the bite transferring the Virus but the Virus will only make you a carrier since it need key triggers to activate and speed it up as well as to slow it down- or you will die and become a Zombie. Connecting Humanity or the lack of it could be a trigger to activate the Virus in the body due to the chemicals released from killing other people which is a more mentally heavy state then killing a zombie- meaning it's harder for a person to mentally rationalize killing another living person then a zombie/monster. With a low Humanity- due to killing humans- will cause a counter to start, leading you closer to ending up turning into a zombie, and the more you kill humans and lower this humanity- speeds up this process. There will be ways to slow it down and even hold it in stasis- Like with losing Blood where bandage will stop you from bleeding. These two ideas could help in keeping players from doing PKing for fun verse Pking because of defense or simply lack of trust in the other player. Team focus goals would also stop some of these but these two i mention above will slow playerkiller teams from hunting others. This is food for thought.
  2. logan23

    Death in DayZ

    The game is brutal and if you take that away then it loses it's tension, fear, excitement. When walking into this game for the first time- you should expect to get killed often and quickly but as you learn more form each experience you learn what not to do and ways to better survive and in doing so you feel rewarded for being smart and clever as you move from location to location in the game. As some said before this game will not be for everyone and it's design that way.
  3. logan23

    Restore Blood \ Health Over Time

    I'm not a fan of the Regen Health idea because it goes in part against the theme of the game. The game is meant to be brutal and adding a regen would be a move closer to games like COD and BF3 where you wait some time and then you suddenly are healed. DayZ is a game of survival and if you want to heal your lost blood, you have options.
  4. logan23

    Multiple Characters

    I see some good points for having 2 characters but I also see plenty of ways a person can exploit the game. Even though I would enjoy having 2 characters to use,....I feel the exploits out way the positives for having more then one character. Having more then one character- i can see people using exploits and bringing in people into the game that could hurt the game's fun and challenge as well as hurt the community. Having one character would limit exploits and keep certain type of players who would ruin the game's main theme/tone experience from sticking around. Another issue is if people have more then one character- its easy for someone to have their survivor and their Player killer character---leading to more player killing since there would be less of a penalty. These and other reasons I feel that the game should keep to just one character, this keeps the tension and fear of lost when ever you play. DayZ is a game that keeps you second guessing should you go to that city or farm house.....and these moments would be diluted if you know you have your other character which has all your main gear and this one doesn't matter. The Mod is tough, brutal, scary, fun, and filled with white knuckle moments which is all there in part due to you have only one life-one character- choose your friends wisely and prepare to see how long can you survive...because in the end you know your going to die...its only a matter time. SIDE NOTE: For the whole logging out and back in when you aggro a zombie or when a player is out to kill you/gain the upper advantage- solution is to have it so you can't log out if you Aggro zombies or in a gun fight. Not sure if there is a way to do a heartbeat like script to check this but this would keep players from shooting at someone and when out matched would log out.
  5. logan23

    Endgame mission ideas (long term goals)

    The game is a sandbox so you can't have a actual EndGame to it but what you can do is have a push pull game mechanic- This would be as mentioned by another Forum thread about the idea of the power grid and getting it online which would promote team play since a task like this would take a team. Large Tasks like this one could in result lead to another effect- like the poster mentioned maybe the humm of the power plant will attract zombies which would want to destroy the source of the Humm--- leading to a constant struggle where you have get power up--Zombies want to undo power plus Power can only be held for a period of time before it needs to be redone A push-pull event would be helpful since these will keep things interesting and in turn could open up other events or hints that could also be discovered. I look at DayZ as you as a player must be able experience 70% of the experience in 2-4 hours (this means feel fear of zombies/player, get a chance at ammo and some gear and experience the dayz experiment,...the other 30 percent are tasks like the power grid or discovering every inch of the land- personal achievements. An actual EndGame does not work since you could be killed at any moment in the game and you don't want players to feel they can't just respawn and get back to where they were without spending over 10 hours. You want something layered so if i re spawn or jump into a server- i might see some lights in a building and go,..wow whats going on and even help them with the power grid event,..the world is constantly changing based on player's discovering the world and interacting with each other. Player's create the story of the DayZ world.
  6. How to keep bandits/Player killers at bay Why don't they allow players to be able to find materials which could be used along with a flare or clip of ammo - as a form of booby trap that will injure the person who opens the bag but doesn't kill them/ flare would burn and injure -plus damage the items in the backpack/ The clip of ammo/gun powder would also injure the person but also create a large sound= alert zombies. The cost of setting up this booby trap on your own pack is that you loose most of your back pack slots/ depending on the backpack version. None of these should kill the player who is looting. Plus the trap setting should be something where you need a few key items -so everyone doesn't do this. This will make players think twice when killing a player and looting their bag since there is a slight chance you might just alert every zombie in the small radius or injure yourself- costing you morphine/painkillers and bandage possibly. Some type of system like this could be used so it doesn't punish those who kill in self defense. All your doing is making the bandit think,..is this back pack booby trapped? Is it worth the risk? The Mod is all about emotion and keep you thinking and on edge. There could a script that could do a check when the backpack is open/or body is looted. The Script will ask- is the player is dead? True----is there a booby trap? False- open and player can loot True- Trap goes off and injury is done/ and sound (depending on type of trap) -use a flask and explosive bang sound- determine the radius = if zombies are alerted The booby trap will take more space = so there is a lose to the person if they use this/ Also the items could be destroyed-or most due to the trap- so bandit doesn't get everything This will make bandits wonder ,..i could back stab and kill the other player but does he/she have a trap in the backpack that will cost me- is it better to work with there person-- it becomes a gamble/ mind game Thanks Logan
  7. logan23

    Will zombies back off if you keep running?

    I wonder if we toss/ place some meat down- cook or raw-...maybe they can help- or should incase you ran out of ammo?
  8. logan23

    Rockets jar of tears

    lol I love the Jar image =)
  9. This is great! Maybe other game publishers will allow developers to try some new ideas and be more open in supporting the Mod community for their games. This Mod DayZ has got me interested in Arma3 which looks cool. I have also started to play around with Arma2 since I bought the Arma2/Arrow in order to play DayZ. Great job with DayZ!
  10. logan23

    Everyone is a Bandit

    I feel with the removal of the bandit skin- players who have killed in defense (became bandit skin) or did do a PK (bandit skin) are not stuck where they will act as a bandit due to their skin change. A player can now decide to change their view/play style due to survival. So if you did a PK or kill in defense and want to change you can. I still would love to booby trap my backpack so if someone PK me they will be injured and alert zombies in the area- plus the booby trap on my backpack would damage some of the gear in it. (of course you would need certain tools to make this trap) This would help limit some PKing- or someone will think twice.
  11. Why don't they allow players to be able to find materials which could be used along with a flare or clip of ammo - as a form of booby trap that will injure the person who opens the bag but doesn't kill them/ flare would burn and injure -plus damage the items in the backpack/ The clip of ammo/gun powder would also injure the person but also create a large sound= alert zombies. The cost of setting up this booby trap on your own pack is that you loose most of your back pack slots/ depending on the backpack version. None of these should kill the player who is looting. Plus the trap setting should be something where you need a few key items -so everyone doesn't do this. This will make players think twice when killing a player and looting their bag since there is a slight chance you might just alert every zombie in the small radius or injure yourself- costing you morphine/painkillers and bandage possibly.