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Everything posted by multipack123

  1. I have been playing dayz for about 6months now and i never find a couple of people that always active and play dayz, i am experienced and know basic stuff for the game. i am looking for a pair or 2 people to play with, active. I am a experienced sniper etc. My skype is glasscup123
  2. After joining a few clan,i decided to make my own.. We are going to be a PVP clan that works together to raid camps and etc. We currently have 2 members If you're interested to join please add me on skype:glasscup123 You have to be at least 14 Mature No racisiam No rage No moaning And fill in this form here Age: How long you been playing dayz?: Whats your best gun/role in game?: Why do you wanna join:
  3. multipack123

    [FI] Fallen Immortals [Open Recruitment]

    Age:15 Experience:7months playing,did clan wars,bandit,raided lots of camps,mass murder What ¨Class¨ do you play as: Sniper, LMG, Pilot etc... :Sniper/Flanker Bio:love breaking people's legs. Why would you like to join:because i want to raid camps and kill people
  4. Well i am new to DayZ but i know the general knownledge of it and i just wanna see if anyone wants to tag along whenever to have some fun Add my skype glasscup123 Or post a comment
  5. multipack123

    DayZ - Clan Recruit [SWI]

    i am interested in join, do you guys have skype or anything?