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Everything posted by GrowlWolf

  1. GrowlWolf

    Looking for a group of friends

    If you're interested, we got a close knit group of casual but effective gamers on DayZ Epoch. Skype is Rawrskysky- Steam is Bad Wolf. Skype preferred method of contact
  2. Hey if you're looking, my group runs DayZ Epoch. Skype is Rawrskysky. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  3. Hey Ozzie, Im known as Bad Wolf on Steam, Rawrskysky on skype. I have a group that goes play together on DayZ Epoch, though we're switching to Overpoch in the next 3-4 months. Housing, vehicles, you name it, we got it. Contact me on skype or add me on steam, account name is RSanAgustin and the display name is "Bad Wolf", from Michigan, the icon that would mark mine out from the others is the dirty hobo. Look forward to hearing from you. Could use another good man.
  4. We have a group of about 3-5 and we're looking to expand. We're on a well populated DayZ epoch server, and we're looking for a few good men and women to help us take back the wastes. I can be reached on skype at Rawrskysky, and on Steam as the User name "Bad Wolf", from Michigan, with a dirty hobo as my picture. I hope to hear back from any of you loners and that we can get together and have some fun. We're well established; we just need the bodies.
  5. Experianced player, looking to join an active, semi or established DayZ Epoch clan. Rawrskysky is my skype, if anyone wants me, I'll be checking the boards and at the PC ^^
  6. Oh i just meant so we could get in touch.
  7. GrowlWolf

    Looking for dayz mod (epoch) players 21+ only

    I'd be happy to help. Long time DayZ veteran. Message me back here or on skype, Rawrskysky.
  8. Hey. Im interested in joining. Very experianced DayZ player. Miss my team when my old server went under :( Rawrskysky skype, RSanAgustin (Bad Wolf) steam
  9. GrowlWolf

    TFM seraching for new Members

    No need to bump! Im actually interested. What's Overpoch as opposed to Epoch?
  10. Application sent! Didn't want to really give out personal information on public forum :)
  11. Experianced DayZ player and veteran here looking for an organized group to play Epoch with. Can be hero or bandit. Can be casual, tactical, or roleplay heavy. Please message me back with any offers :D
  12. GrowlWolf

    DayZ Epoch Clan/Group

    Bad Wolf. Heh, I thought more people played the mod.