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Everything posted by trickpat42

  1. trickpat42

    Do you remember your first time playing DayZ?

    I spawned at Solnichniy, then walked into the forest to figure out how to equip the flashlight. Then I also got my character locked to only walk instead of sprint, which made me want to destroy my keyboard. Then I walked through a town and got destroyed by zombies THEEE ENDDD!!!!
  2. trickpat42

    Reason behind your username?

    My friend called me trickpat and it just stuck , my real name is patrick................
  3. trickpat42

    Flipped atv Save querie

    If you flip an atv dont get off it, stay on and move it around to turn it over, don't drive over bridges or railroads btw either.
  4. I close the six launcher browser and just re-open it, works every time me and my friends had the same problem.
  5. trickpat42

    How many hours?

    It's gotta be 200+ for me :D
  6. trickpat42

    Night-time playing without NVG

    Also set your HDR quality to high, to make it even easier to see with gamma and brightness up.
  7. trickpat42


    Pick a server in your location, join ones that are fewer players for quicker setup. It varies by server.
  8. trickpat42


    Yes your character will keep your gear in every server except private hive, those run separate.
  9. trickpat42

    Bad Patch? Need Advice please!

    It's probably dayz commander, just install six launcher instead. I don't think the patch had anything to do with it.
  10. trickpat42

    How long before a load screen is deemed infinite?

    Start task manager and watch the memory increase for arma2.exe if it dead stops, it's not loading if its gradually increasing then :D
  11. trickpat42

    To those who look down on bandits/pvp...

    I love the pvp the thrill of hearing an as50 go off in elektro just means for me to start rolling up the hill to axe them a question.
  12. trickpat42

    Shit DayZ players say (contribute!)

    "My hatchet reloads."