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Posts posted by namtniap

  1. Well, for starters, the "Admin" is not great.  Got butt-hurt because he left his vehicle unlocked and lost a Briefcase.  Very childish reaction with instant perma-ban.


    I'm not sure what community he speaks of, this server is new to Overpoch, and his previous "friends" on Epoch left him (possibly due to his explosive and abusive Admin powers).


    One thing is for sure, it is "One Hell of a server".  One that is not right for anyone except kingjod (emphasis on the "King" mentality) and his closest followers.  He does go by the handle of Soliloquy in-game as a disguise, possibly to cover his harsh tactics.


    So, from a true mature player of this "Hell of a" server, I would suggest finding a different one.  This one will not fair well for anyone with a mental age above 15.

  2. I was getting ~30 fps with onboard graphics from a Wal-mart PC with the in-game settings on "high" (minus Post processing). Just a run of the mill Acer with quad-core AMD and integrated AMD Radeon HD 6530D. I've since upgraded it a little with a Radeon 7750 and more ram. Doesn't take as much of a PC to play as most people think. I'm actually recording in 720p and still 35-40 fps.

  3. Just happened to me tonight on the same server I logged out on. I was FULLY geared too and spawned to this crap:87b3c500.jpg

    Notice it kept my zombie kills, humanity (Yes, I strive to be a hero), my camo clothing and even says "Day 6" on the bottom. I don't get it..

    I logged out and tried two different servers, but all showed same thing. I joined back on the server I died in and made my way back to where I knew I logged out at. Took over 2 hrs to get back up to the spot and two stacks of flares (nighttime). When I got to my body, there were no flies and said I died of unknown cause. Luckily I retrieved all my loot. A friend joined the same server (he logged out from it as well, same time I did) and he got "killed" as well. I'll not join that server again (US 406)

  4. I believe it was Sunday night, me and at least one other person got "Admin Ban" from US 2362. No warning, and no excuse for such a ban.

    Me and another player joined the server near Myshkino. We noticed the old hatchback was spawned in just south of Lopatino but it was completely trashed. I dropped some loot (food, bloodbags, morphine etc) and the other person dropped a AS50 with ammo in the hatchback to free up space. We split up and hit Lopatino, Pustoshka and Vybor looking for car parts. Made a couple trips back and forth to the car repairing it. We eventually hit the NorthWest airfield for the last few pieces and to restock on ammo. After raiding the airfield, we split up again because we noticed a few people joined the server. On our way back to the hatchback, I noticed the other player got "Admin Ban". Ten seconds later, I got the same treatment. No reason given other than "Admin Ban".

    We didn't raid any camps, steal any vehicles, and neither of us had illegal equipment. A completely unprovoked ban with no pretense. I would like to know the reason for the ban and proof of logs of our "illegal" activity. We spent nearly two hours on the server with no confrontation with any other players and we both lost valuable weapons.

    I would like an explanation. I've not been banned from ANY other servers, not even the global Battleye ban some are getting. We both are currently still under the ban.

  5. I was playing on a DE server last night that was very quick about kicking scripters. I just don't remember what the name was.

    One kiddie apparantely tried to spawn a vehicle and was instant-banned. Bunch of others kicked for file errors, but wasn't paying much attention to what they were for. Very smooth server even with my low 100 ping. I might just steer clear of the US ones for a bit.

  6. Commited my first murder last night as well, and I feel awlful about it. I've been shot on sight numerous times without aggression, so I guess you could say I was a little paranoid. Now I have a different outlook on the deal. Story below if your interested, otherwise, its just a wall of text after this paragraph.

    Joined up with a fellow from this forum last night to play some coop. I already had a fair loot, Winchester, 1911, essential survival gear and M24 in the alice pack for backup, along with assorted military ammo. Nothing I couldn't live without, but I've been snooping around for about 6 hours since my last death by murder.

    Took a few for us to get met up, but we was on our way NW looking for a vehicle and better weapons, mostly transportation. Came up on Pustoshka with intentions on hitting the market and church. We were kind of split up dodging zombies, friend ahead of me. I was roughly following in his path and I noticed a "survivor" icon pop up with a different name!! Instant freeze! "There's someone else here man", I called over mumble. "That's just me" my friend said. "NO, reallly, this ain't your nametag. This guy crawling towards you from your six", I say.

    With my Winchester drew and aiming down the sights, I see he's got an assault rifle of some sort (I'm new to this so I can't recognize guns yet). "Should I shoot?", I say. Friend; "I just came from around that corner, I must have startled him and he now realizes I didn't see him". I watch as the guy keeps crawling towards the direction my friend is in. Adrenline is killing me. Screen is shaking from needing painkillers (need to check first person more often), my hand shaking as well making the situation worse. I say "I'm going to shoot him, he's not calling out over chat/voice". "Go ahead!" my friend says. I click my left mouse, audible even through my Turtle beaches, and I swear I can count the seconds it takes before I hear the distinctive thud of a "pow" from the Winchester.

    The guy stops crawling, possibly one shot kill considering I was aiming for the back of his head. Zombies begin to call out to the rest of the horde. Clatter of foot steps all around, sounds like I just woke up an army of giant ants determined to take my beans. "POW" goes the Winchester again. I fire again without realizing, instinct or selfless act, either way its done. "BuLlEtPrOoF was killed" pops up on the screen. A small amount of satisfaction attempts to settle apon me. "He's down", I say.

    Friend comes back to the murder scene and tosses a smoke down the road. By the attention he brought from running around and the gun shots of me, our zombie problem was very bad to say the least. We then begin to loot the body. My loot pile was in pretty good status, but my friend had just spawned earlier and was in need of near everything. Dude was fairly loaded with most all basic survival gear, a map neither of us had, raw meat, few water bottles, an AKM with half a clip and an Uzi with no ammo and a few clips of assorted ammo. He was carring an alice pack, but it wasn't no where near full (odd). My friend got what he needed and I took a few tokens to justify my kill, mostly the Uzi that I didn't know existed in the game. Stuffed it in with the M24 in my alice pack. By this time, my inventory was completely full. Now we need a vehicle for sure to dump some of my loot off. With not even a fair-well to the late surviver, we head further north on our quest.

    It really didn't hit me until after I logged off last night, but I feel remorseful for my murder. My humanity did drop to -1500ish after the kill, but when I logged off, it was back close to zero. None-the-less, I'll remember the first one, hopefully my last.
