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Everything posted by lordopeth

  1. Cause I am at work. Thats what I do, I work, make money and troll forums. I dont make posts like yours and make stupid anolgies about fucking a chicks that make no sense. I am smart enough to know if I dont like something I quit doing it and not post on a forum telling people who dont give a shit why you play or dont.
  2. Sweet... Grab me one. I'll go back to "fucking my chick"
  3. http://cdn.stripersonline.com/6/67/6760d2f9_spiderman-meme-generator-it-s-time-to-stop-posting-85edb7.jpeg
  4. lordopeth

    Music on Respawn?

    Could be someone with an open mic playing something?
  5. lordopeth

    Are you retarded?

    inb4 spam lock,.
  6. 3-4 months in a public alpha. Good video games are in production for years and as small as a team Ricket has it will be longer. SO go back to, how you say "fucking your chick".
  7. lordopeth


    Im bored too. Playing "other" games untill new news. Its obvious DayZ is still the #1 game considering the emotions people feel these dayz.
  8. lordopeth

    very serious counter hacking :)

    Thats exactly how mad max talked in the first movie.. I got it.
  9. lordopeth

    Anyone wanna play together?

    I am always up for it but my time is a tad limited these days. I got my own TS server if needed. PM if your interested. Im in EST time.
  10. I would definately get one.. Read my post below. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/65507-ssd-dayz-and-you/
  11. lordopeth

    Thought this was funny...

    That is funny!
  12. lordopeth


    LOL. THat is the greatest ever.. Added to my signature.
  13. lordopeth

    Which shooters did you play before Dayz

    Tribes. 'nuff said.
  14. lordopeth

    I was killed by a rock

    Dam it Monster you stole my idea! ;)
  15. lordopeth

    DayZ not playable anymore

    Congrats on your subject line. First time I seen "DayZ is no playable anymore". Usually its "DayZ is unplayable". Beans fir you.
  16. lordopeth

    How do you avoid raging? (hack rant)

    Play to have fun, dont care what your doing, test the game like we are supposed to. Wait for Standalone.. I am. But I still have fun running Cherno flapping my arms yelling friendly!
  17. lordopeth

    DayZ is un playable

    Ahh Yea baby..
  18. lordopeth

    DayZ is un playable

    Awesome. Op has on his anti-troll suit today.. \m/