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Everything posted by lordopeth

  1. lordopeth

    Pending Update: Build

    How about removing the 3 second location pop up when you spawn? If the point is washing up on the shore and not knowing where you are, this becomes sort of pointless. I would like to see... Day 1 Time: Noon / Midday / Dusk Health: Random effects? Maybe you lost blood, hungry, thirsty or cold. Can give you a first objective? Call me crazy but I like the not knowing anything and the fear that can incoporate. Also it gets you to really know the map. Just my$.02
  2. lordopeth

    Pending Update: Build

    Real proud of what you done with this mod Rocket. Not that your looking for my approval. Im glad I found and paying your mod. I was realyl going to give up on gaming untill I found this. Keep up the good work homes.. PS. Vanilla Ice dude? \m/
  3. lordopeth

    Minecraft gets it right. MineZ

    Minecraft is dumb.
  4. lordopeth

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Sweet, we will never be able to leave Chernarnus. Why your at it remove Alt Tab, CTRL ALT DEL, Kill ARMA2 process. There needs to be punisment in the game for disconnecting, not just removing binded key features.
  5. lordopeth

    FPS Guru interview

    Good read and some good stuff in here. Thanks for posting.
  6. lordopeth

    Beta 95168 - Double performance

    Good to hear.. Waiting for it through Six Updater.
  7. lordopeth

    DayZ - Meaningful Gameplay

    Nice post. A very rare loot iem around here..
  8. lordopeth

    This is a simulator not a game.

  9. lordopeth

    The only thing that can save the mod

    I thought it was me that could save this mod. Carry on..
  10. lordopeth

    Buddy Spawn System

    Only being able to play for an hour or 2 a night, this would be a welcomed feature for me at least. Maybe implent a item? Finding a radio or walkie talkie will give you the abilty to do that? Or maybe a star trek teleporation device or finding a specific building or cave that ... I dont know man..
  11. lordopeth

    Randomly Scripted Events Ideas

    I support this idea... All aboard the flame train..
  12. lordopeth

    LOOKin fur Clan

    ert 23345 ffff htr234 fsdf 2344 seef3244gggg fsdf234 sss :thumbsup:
  13. lordopeth

    DayZ Lagg. How do I fix it?

    Awesome, you guys definately don't have sarcasm.
  14. lordopeth

    DayZ Lagg. How do I fix it?

    Denmark? They have internet there? Must be a series of tubes...
  15. Cool story. Its a shame though that a lot of people on these forums think this game sucks. I love it.
  16. lordopeth

    This game is so f*cked up!

    Maybe time to update that 3DFX card? Your posts have gone full retard.
  17. lordopeth

    This game is so f*cked up!

    Your post is dumb. gtfo
  18. lordopeth

    The Adventure of Doc

    Wrong forum.
  19. We all know who the giant pink dildo is...dont we?
  20. ^What Xeno said. Understand what your playing first Op. Its obvious you don't. Read my sig.
  21. lordopeth

    Fun times.

    Kinda looks like your avatar is playing Dayz... :P
  22. lordopeth

    Punishing bandits? Shut up, seriously.

    Ding, Fries are done.