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Everything posted by lordopeth

  1. I before E except after C.
  2. WTF is going on today? Is Rocket pranking these forums today? Are you a spy OP? lolz
  3. lordopeth

    Thanks DayZ

    Punctuation is your friend retard.
  4. lordopeth

    New Patch Artifacting

    It a bug. Try changing your display setting in game. It resolved it for me for the time being.
  5. lordopeth

    What now ?

    I'll happily buy it and play it. Only time will tell really. My question is that "Why keep developing a mod for the ARMA 2 engine when the effort can be made towards ARMA3?" - Sorry if this has been anaswered before and I missed it. What is the announcement Rocket refers too "Something will be known in the next 3 months?" I fully support this game and welcome the day I can throw money towards it.
  6. lordopeth

    Truth Time Rockett

    This thread is funny..
  7. lordopeth

    Why this mod is failing

    Your absolutely right man. Uninstall and come back in a year when the game is more complete. You are are not cut out to be a tester. I lvoe the game, not sure what else to say.
  8. lordopeth

    This gave me cancer

    Read sig.
  9. lordopeth

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    Exactly how a medic should respond... lol Leonard 'Bones' McCoy: I'm doing you a favor. I couldn't just leave you there looking all pathetic. Take a seat. I'm gonna give you a vaccine against viral infection from Melvaren mud fleas.
  10. lordopeth

    Fucking Glitches.

    I jsut shit my pants reading this thread, thanks cunts. [Warned - 4L4N]
  11. lordopeth

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    This is not a game.
  12. lordopeth

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    Tito, get me a tissue. It was removed for exactly why you want to use it.
  13. lordopeth

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Updated through 6 updater today. Played for about 2 hours this afternoon. Noticed some significant FPS drop. Seemed choppy this patch.. As far as the login issues. None. I was able to jump into a server and it logged me right in. I didn;t noticed any speed up as far as the loading is concerned. Saw a bunch of Zeds on the ground, the crawler ones not moving. They seemed stuck. Seemed more loot than the average games I have had in the past, not sure if this is intentional or it was just a good day. Keep it coming Rocket.
  14. lordopeth

    Login and dead

    I just died listening to Mr. Deaths lame video..
  15. lordopeth

    Message @Dayz (Church sermon)

    You can't have a girlfriend/boyfriend.. You win lamest thread on the forums so far. Read sig.
  16. lordopeth

    dayz for mac?

    http://www.apple.com/support/bootcamp/ http://www.novadevelopment.com/software/parallels-desktop-128985?gclid=CM_d9tTSvLECFWQDQAodfTQAew
  17. lordopeth

    18 Dayz

    Last night my 18 dayz streak came to an end. It was the first time I lasted so long and found a few good weapons. I died with the FN FAL and some mags, fully stocked with food, water and soda. All my hunting gear, matches, knife and axe. Toobox, compass, watch.. Had it all. I have been hanging around the airfield for the last few days. Went in to the airfield to find some ammo for my gun. Aggro'd some zombies, ran into a hangar and hung out for a while the Z's chilled out from attacking me. Coast was clear. Started to leave and saw some ammo right by the door. Started to pick it up and pop, you are dead. I saw as I was falling to the ground a dude right outside of the door, crouched and staring at me. He had to have seen me, right? I swear I stared at my screen for a solid 5 minutes repeating WTF in my head. I got lazy, I hadn't seen anyone in dayz. I dropped my guard for a second and ended up dead. I usually play in US241. to the guy who killed me, thanks. You made me think of that encounter all night and then I realized, damn this is what the game is about. He got some good loot. \m/
  18. lordopeth

    It's coming ............

    This is actually Rocket's smurfed name. .
  19. I played for 2 months and still have yet to see or hear a vehicle. Stand in line.
  20. lordopeth

    I fell 4 metres and died

    I died holding my sausage in hostage and fishing for pocket trout.
  21. best...thread...ever... Today of course.
  22. lordopeth

    18 Dayz

    Cool stories dudes.. \m/
  23. lordopeth

    18 Dayz

    I hear what your saying and thought of that too... But it is what it is. I'll keep saying Dayz until if/when it changes. I dig the game. Im not gonna get hung up on some technicality. That and its just easier to say days rather I been alive for 7 days, 10 hours, 43 minutes, 54 seconds " :)