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Everything posted by lordopeth

  1. Gaining the populrity of this mod in such a short time makes perfect sense why the game is in the state that its in. No one cared to "hack" this game before. They mther get their rocks off with their shinanigans with popular games such as COD, BF and anything thing else. The amount of people coming to the game just really showed how vunerable the game really is. Im sure they are doing something about it, they have to do something about it. It can not be a fix that happens over night. Being a BF3 head myself its pretty impressive what ARMA does. With that said, I haven't fired up BF3 since I discovered ARMA. Always knew about it but got suckered into playing the "popular" game. Just my $.02. I am still enjoying the game. Although my play times is ususally an hour or 2 a night and thankfully I haven ran into any hacker issues yet, or at least I havent seen/known anything that was happening.
  2. lordopeth

    [MOON] Clan = Noobs

    And that is the feeling that scripters and server hoppers will never experience. Good work mate! have some beanz.
  3. lordopeth

    Your reaction when...

    I feel like this guy, different scenario but the same. lol
  4. lordopeth

    DayZ without Zombies?

    I dont think splitting a new formed community such as Dayz is what they are going for. Though I agree with what your saying. I think if the zombies were more feared rather than other players it would give a reason for people to group up and work together to get loot, then kill each other. :P
  5. lordopeth

    BattleEye is fucking garbage

    MMMmmmm Chinese buffet, Told ya I was going.
  6. lordopeth

    Leveling up in DayZ

    Everybody should be bored.. We are TESTING a game! Identifying ans squashing bugs! Testing dogs and scarfs! WTF - Finding hacks, gathering statistics! WHy A doesnt or does work with B and proving it. A Proof of Concept. Not sure what so hard to understand.. The game isnt complete, far from it! Everyone is good at complainingg though let me tell ya! Put the effort into developing the most baddss game ever, rather QQ why the fuck the game fails or its broke. Not yelling at you OP,, :)
  7. Sorry your subject made me lol. Have some beans.. But no I havent had issues pitching tents, especially after my vasectomy.
  8. Thanks you and good night.
  9. lordopeth

    Trail Camera

    I thought your subject said Troll Camera for a ssecond. =) I actually dig the idea of Trap camera's. Good suggestion. Or how about the new DayZ to use a web cam to snap a pic of your face after you die. \m/
  10. lordopeth

    DayZ - Just another Generic FPS

  11. lordopeth

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Thanks Rocket - hopefully the forums calm down a bit.. Yea right..
  12. lordopeth

    The trolling goes on

    Mortus - Genral Tso's BuffJesus - Man Ass Swine - Sweet and Sour Chicken Noose - Crab Ragoons Nightripper - Little boy with beard who shoots duck and scared of toasters (Goes good with cat and wonton soup I heard) Monster - watermelon flavoured dumplings Ben C - 1/4 duck with pancakes and hoisin sauce, wife wants SIngapore noodles SouldShaper - morphine Rice I better see some f'in money! =)
  13. lordopeth

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Finally had a chance to read this thread. Awesome stuff.. Your senses are the best thing for this game and introducing such subtle things to this game like everything mentioned can really make Dayz an experience. Love it!
  14. lordopeth

    My Idiot friends (Banned)

    They will be banned and you will be banned for being there friend.
  15. lordopeth

    The trolling goes on

    List.. Mortus - Genral Tso's BuffJesus - Man Ass Swine - Sweet and Sour Chicken Noose - Crab Ragoons Nightripper - Little boy with beard who shoots duck and scared of toasters (Goes good with cat and wonton soup I heard) Who else?
  16. lordopeth

    The trolling goes on

    Nothing wrong with the sweet and sour chicken mang. Ill take an order.. Anyone else want anything?
  17. lordopeth

    The trolling goes on

    No problem.. You want sauce on side?
  18. lordopeth

    The trolling goes on

    Im hitting up the chinese buffet today for lunch.
  19. lordopeth

    RIP DayZ!

    Stupid is as stupid does, sir.
  20. lordopeth


    So you havent seen any other posts here how to take this mod further? We reading the same forum? Do you need an internet hug? Dont matter how much it costs. I can afford it and be glad to buy it.
  21. lordopeth


    Oh look, its this comment again. Cant wait for this game to fail, maybe I can go back to practicing my guitar.
  22. lordopeth


    Dayz can be pretty unforgiving at times.
  23. lordopeth

    Sudden Influx of Hackers?

    Hacker post # 1,223,332,686