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Everything posted by lordopeth

  1. lordopeth

    DayZ equals Call of Duty?

    Your testing a mod. A proof of concept. Testing ideas. A vision. A non game. You are not cut out to testing this game. Please unistall and comeback when the standalone is released.
  2. lordopeth

    The monolith

    Im all for it. Dont drink the kool-aid.
  3. I can understand if he was 12 or even 14 but 17!!?!?!? Tired of kids these days and them asking for handouts. I was working at 10 cutting grass and shoveling driveways.. Back in my day I had too.. Shit, I sound like my dad.
  4. lordopeth

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    I would like rainbows removed so the bronies cant go home.
  5. lordopeth

    The monolith

    2001 was a great movie.
  6. 17? Mature? Go get a fucking job.
  7. lordopeth

    Clan gg!

    Still waiting for a clan that the minimum age requirement is 30+. yea Im old. Thanks but no thanks.
  8. lordopeth

    The problem with modern gaming

    What swine said.. Really? You have to prove hackers all the time? How tedious. Kinda takes the joy out of gaming eh? I can care less that hackers are present. There will always be hackers.
  9. lordopeth

    Hitman For Hire

    This may work if it actualy would work.
  10. Everyone's got something to prove on the internets.
  11. lordopeth

    farewell :(

    See ya DB.
  12. Thought Id share. Went from a old SATA 2.0 3 GB drive to a SATA 3.0 6 GB SSD today and holy crap what a speed increase on load times. WLE went from 5.9 to 7.9. Who knew? LOL Im ready for you ARMA 3! Well hopefully... lol Dont troll me too hard.. ;)
  13. lordopeth

    Mountain Dew? I drank it...

    Wait till you find the Red Bull cans..
  14. lordopeth

    Surviving. Really?

    This I can't agree with. I like the idea of trust noone still. The threat needs to be the zombies. The idea is that even bandits are trying to survive the zombie infestation as well here. No just the survivors. Its not unrealistic to think and keep separate for a hero and bandit to team up because of the threat. There are factions. Bandit and Heroes. The problem is the 2 different goals. Whereas if the 1 true goal was to survive (thus being a survival simualtor) the zombies then we can see a shift towards something else. Then what happens after that is fair game. Dont flame me to hard. lol
  15. lordopeth

    Surviving. Really?

    Again we are testing Rockets POC as the games is still very young in its development. I agree, I love the sand box idea of the game but I belive there has to be some sort of system put in to make the threat towards the zombies rather than the players. Dont get me wrong I love the PVP element aspect of the game but dying should be like WTF!!!! that was awesome rather than a "sigh" respawn. I know I like to read and watch the videos of people getting robbed and taken to a place to fight for their survival. Rather than spawning and getting sniped.
  16. lordopeth

    Feeling sorry

    Exactly. Welcome to dayz. Trust noone.
  17. lordopeth

    DayZ commander

  18. lordopeth

    Overwatch pays Off

    Thank you for paragraphs. Good story! Have some beans.
  19. The game is the game. Always. -Avon Barksdale