In-game Name: Rotten Steam name: Age: 24 The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): UTC−08:00. Mic: Had to order a new one should be here friday How long you've been playing: 4 weeks Your preferred role and/or weapon: Scavenger AKM, FN FAL AN/PVS-4 and SVD Camo Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Survivor because a random server reset it. Any additional details about yourself you may want to include: I've been scouting out clans although lately I've not been up to being in a clan I've found myself to be bored as hell. So out of all the clans I've seen recruiting this one seems pretty legit. I like to hear that people in the clan are nice and mature. My last clan lacked so many things especially leadership. For the most part I enjoy looting supplies and bringing em back to my camp, finding vehicles and fixing them up. I like to stay away from cities because my graphics card or network or something just makes me super laggy. My longest time living so far has been a week because I'm a bit too impatient to wait around and do nothing so I'll go on random long hikes and see what kind of trouble I can get into. At the moment I don't have a mic, but I do have one on the way from ebay hopefully It's not a terrible piece of crap because it looked really bad ass in the picture. I'm mature but random when bored but not annoying or repetitive and I don't need to ask a bunch of stupid questions to get the hang of the game as I've been playing for about a month now and It's easy enough to search up a tutorial or look at your controls to see what and how to do something. Other than that, I'm pretty open so any other questions feel free to ask. Thanks.