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Everything posted by chibigoat

  1. chibigoat

    Items Not Spawning / Limited Spawns

    I'm aware of all this, can't decide whether I should call you a scumbag for assuming I'm camping loot locations or thank you for providing what would be useful information. Whatever.
  2. Thank you so much rocket, I've been sitting here refreshing hoping for a new patch or something like this, not enjoying the game with the way the zombies are. Your work is much appreciated.
  3. This fucking thread... Rocket needs to see it and fix this problem. This has made me not even want to play but for some reason I keep going back... I just agro every zombie and relog.. no point to being careful anymore. Really sucks, looking forward to seeing in the announcements very soon.
  4. It's a simulator... It's supposed to be realistic... So happy people like you aren't running this game. Good day.
  5. I'm going to start with my most annoying since I'm pretty damn heated about it right now. The single most annoying thing about it overall is how I am constantly killed without ever seeing the person who shoots me. I'm shot 1 time from fucking nowhere and I'm at -15k hp. I'm not bad at this game.. I'm pretty good and I'll admit I'm not usually being sneaky when this happens but I should be able to at least see the god damn person and return fire if I have a gun. I've died 1 time... just 1 single time while actually being face-to-face with somebody and I had a hatchet and they had an enfield. I've died a lot because I'm careless a lot of the time so having died only one single time while being face-to-face and the rest either going in my back or side is fucking ridiculous. I just think it's so much bullshit how I can magically never see them, I'm just instantly dead on the ground by some magic god damn bullet. This just happened to me... that's why I'm swearing a lot. I want to say it's unfair but I don't really think it is.. it just pisses me off. Before you go about saying I'm just bad, don't. One thing that annoys me recently is how broken the agro radius is now, can't get in and out of a town without agroing at least one zombie. I'm sure this will be fixed soon. As for the best part about DayZ... It might just be a combination of things like.. it's an awesome sandbox zombie sim, there are constantly updates and improvements to it, it's super realistic. Definitely way more good parts about this game than bad, plus it's still in alpha so the bad parts will be sorted out. Just wanted to release some rage about the annoying thing but figured I'd add some positive-ness in here too. Edit: It's not just snipers... every single death is from the back or side.
  6. chibigoat

    Seriously what happened Rocket?

    Starting players with painkillers and a bandage is fucking realistic... we shouldn't even be starting with a backpack.. This is an anti-game. It's about realism and he makes sure to not do it to a point where it completely stops the game from being fun. If you were leading this, you'd fuck everything up.
  7. Seems like you just recently got the mod, where as it would indeed be very fun. The fact is the agro radius is too high and I think you may either be underestimating how much you agro zombies, you're crawling constantly or you stay in the forest away from all zombies. Most complaints are to help improve the game and fix problems.
  8. #1 Priority: I think should be to fix the agro radius. It has made me not care about zombies, it seems to have had a negative affect. Rather than making me more weary of zombies I'm sprinting through towns because I know regardless of what I do zombies will be agroed and I can just relog to get them off me. No, I'm not "bad". I'm good at the game, it's basically impossible to get through a town without agroing a zombie now... regardless of how good you are. I probably won't be playing much until it's fixed, not a big deal, I have other games to keep me entertained and I know it's in alpha. Rocket is quick, I believe in him! Starting with no gun is good. I understand some say it's difficult... which is true. This is done to make it more realistic. Spawn rates on weapons are increased and with the melee added + the hatchet being super common you should be able to get around fine... other than the agro radius issue. If you see somebody with a gun, avoid them... not all that difficult. Pretty unlikely somebody will be able to hit you from 100+ meters away with a pistol and if they run after you their aim will be messed up. You may run into somebody with something a little bigger than a pistol.. oh well, run away. Plus, people are less likely to kill you if they can see you have no weapon... not necessarily because you're unarmed but because there's not much in it for them... other than losing ammo. Make industrial buildings + barns your best friend, you'll be fine.
  9. Stealth is basically pointless now other than hiding from players.. it's not possible to get into a town and out with fat lewts without agroing at atleast 1 zombie... which tends to come with more.
  10. Would realllly like to see the agro radius get fixed. I should not be agroing a zombie while prone, 50 meters away through a concrete wall and building. I know the agro radius was increased but this won't work and isn't realistic. I'd like to see it similar to how it was before.. the sight/hearing bars are getting way higher than they should be. While crouch walking I should have at very most, 2 bars.. maybe 3 while on concrete or something. Prone should have 0 for both and it should be practically impossible to agro zombies while prone unless they are standing on your head. It's possible to sneak through a town without agroing zombies now, it encourages people to just sprint through it and relog to get zombies off you. I don't mean to whine too much and I really appreciate all the changes and improvements made by Rocket recently but this agro thing is kind of a pain >_< Thank you, - Chibigoat
  11. I was just thinking about this as I sit and wait for a couple friends to get online so we can continue playing DayZ. If you're somebody who plays in a group often you've probably had to wait for somebody to get online to continue playing because you guys want to stick together. I was thinking simply 2 total characters and they can't be on the same server or get onto a server the other was on for I'd say a half hour or something. I haven't really thought of the negative side of this and I don't even know if it's possible but I'd like to be able to play while I'm waiting for my friends to get on. This is also beneficial for people who do youtube stuff. I'd be able to do two different lets plays for my channel, or one that I can strictly play while recording and one that I can play while not recording. Just a couple thoughts, let me know what you think as long as it's something somewhat intelligent which does not mean "Fuk thus thus is the supidust fukin idea evre". Thank you.
  12. chibigoat

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Awesome job, Rocket. Everybody appreciates everything you're doing. Looking forward to trying when I wake up, Goodnight.
  13. chibigoat

    Near impossible for new players now

    I'm proud of Rocket for doing what he did.. much more realistic now. I've yet to have a single problem with these new spawning items. Once you spawn look for barns and enter-able houses, more specifically the big square brick ones. It's not difficult to find guns. You can also outrun zombies now.
  14. I see it comes up whenever you spawn now but when you pick female you just stay a male, anybody know what's going on with that?
  15. chibigoat

    Giving Up my Banditry

  16. Fuck yes, I want to see tranq rifles, that would be amazing.
  17. Basically, I start with absolutely nothing, not even a backpack and I do my best to survive. Thanks for checking it out! This is episode 2.. if you haven't seen episode 1 you should check that out first.
  18. Nice, I decided to do this but started with absolutely nothing, not even a backpack. It's a new lets play series of mine, feel free to check it out:
  19. That's about it. I dropped everything, including my backpack and am playing on a hardcore, beta server. First person forced and no side chat.
  20. Lol, yeah, first rap ever, whatever. Incoming dislikes. Don't say I didn't warn you.
  21. I'm going to talk a little bit about realism in addition to adding a video of mine. Whatever works :cool:. THE VIDEO: It's a new lets play idea I came up with, it's simple and I haven't actually heard of somebody doing this before so yes, it is unique for me. I start off on the beach like I'm brand new and just immediately get rid of everything, including the backpack, I start with nothing, hardcore beta servers, it's realism maximized. So recently I've seen a post or two on realism and what people think should be done to promote it. I'm not going to give my own personal specific ideas on what should happen because that will just get a bunch of negative feedback, I'll leave that to the people who are new to the forums. I think realism IS important, rather you kill-for-fun bandits think so or not. It's important because this is a simulator, it's an attempt to simulate what things MIGHT be like if a zombie apocalypse were to happen. With that, it's also a simulator that it is in alpha. You can't correctly sit there and say they shouldn't do things to make the game more realistic. The game is MEANT to be realistic but it's alpha so obviously there's plenty of work to be done. I really am not interested in taking a carebear side or a bandit side but regardless, I will be classified as one of those because plenty of people lack the maturity to really try to understand what I'm saying and add something useful such as: "I disagree because..." "I agree because...". I would however really appreciate, if you do reply, to leave it in the form of one of those two, or at least not in a negative way. The fact is, this game will be altered to promote realism, whether that takes away from bandits being able to kill-for-fun so easily or whether that makes the game more difficult (which it very well should). Looking at the difficulty thing, I think that's what makes people fear added realism. We don't want it to become too difficult... With that I'll refer back to the all famous Rocket quote that says something along the lines of "you're mad? good" Put yourself in the shoes of your character, would you be able to survive in the forest with a bunch of zombies everywhere and people out to get you? Many of you will say "yes, it's easy" which is an ignorant answer depending on who you are. If you're Bear Grylls, you'll probably be fine when it comes to the actual survival itself.. the zombies, however... nobody can know how that would truly go. Again, back to the, what MIGHT happen. We can only guess and that guess is typically based on movies or games we've seen. Now, something else I've heard is simply "It's just a game". Alright, . In all seriousness, it is a game.. obviously. You are accomplishing nothing by saying it's just a game. This I think is typically said by kill-for-fun bandits because they are simply here to kill people for fun and have no respect for the actual game itself. I don't want people getting confused with what I mean by bandit. I don't mind bandits at all, they are 50% of the game. The kind that kill people simply for fun though, technically they would indeed be "cod fags". That's what I mean by kill-for-fun, pretty obvious.I know I'm jumping around all sorts of different topics here... oh well. What I think when it comes to people saying that these bandits that kill for fun are ruining the game for them is simply that you are letting them ruin the game for you. It's just as easy to get murdered by a bandit in Cherno as it is to run North and have zero bandit interaction. Overall, my point here is that this mod is a simulator for a simulator. It's a zombie apocalypse simulator built into a military simulator which apparently works pretty well. What people don't understand is that it is a damn simulator. What can be done to get it to be as accurate a simulator as possible, should be done... maybe with a rare exception or two. That's something you should understand and accept getting into this game. With that, I leave you with my new lets play idea. Just got this first video up today and hopefully it comes to be a somewhat entertaining series. Thanks for reading and thanks for watching guys. I kept this as mature as I could, I'd appreciate if you could do the same if you plan on replying. Super Realistic Lets Play Series:
  22. Posted here because I'm looking for a quick answer, I just installed the most recent beta, ran the beta exe and when I try to get into a beta server it says I'm missing content, why is that?
  23. So I was in the middle of a lets play and this happened, I know there are already threads but I actually have it on video so I figured I'd throw it up here, kinda sucks, my guy was 8 days old and I'm sure there were other people on there whose character was older than that.