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Everything posted by Fenro

  1. Fenro

    Zombies are getting annoying.

    The zombies do actually have some weird properties regarding their detection range. They are supposed to have low eyesight, but still manage to sometimes spot you from miles away, even if you were lying on ground without moving. might be a random proc chance, or just plain bad scripting. regarding high places and uphills I have noticed that zombies have a huge detection bonus when you are going down/up a hill or at a roof top, try to avoid these. I think it has something to do with ARMA II normal NPC detections values, as standing on a roof or a hill would be a very bad idea against a normal human enemies. my guess is that they havent implemented the reduced eyesight for elevated areas for the zombies. The mod is still on development so these kind of things are acceptable. As a counter measures 1: Run inside houses (zombies have to walk inside so are easy to ditch or kill) 2: Use wooden harbors (zombies cant walk into them and thus are easy to ditch)