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About ambient

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  1. ambient

    Scope/Binoc Lag

    thing is i can look at it normally or trough ironsights and its fine...for some reason scopes rape my fps. I guess its time for an SSD
  2. My game runs smooth on max setting EXCEPT when i look at the generated foliage on the ground trough a scope of some sort... is there a way to fix this?
  3. HURRR JUST TURN UP YOUR GAMMA... no but seriously the night is full retard.
  4. Are they server dependent? What happens when i die and my tent is deployed somewhere?
  5. My definition of self defense in this game is to shoot anyone that im not familiar with on sight unless they communicate with me or my group first.
  6. ambient

    Melee Weapon Petition

    the game needs melee. Not make it extremely hard to use, or very ineffective, but there needs to be some form of it.
  7. ambient


    Well i mean it was kinda neat to ask players their "alignment" and intentions. And if it was all good then you can take a risk and approach them to trade or group up. Now it seems like they want that part of the game gone, left only to be used by players playing together.
  8. ambient


    Hmm, not sure if i like that. Doesn't this just mean most people will just shoot first ask questions later when they see another player?
  9. ambient


    scrapped humanity... so does that mean its a complete free for all now or is it simply the number value is no longer shown?
  10. ambient

    Too many downsides playing night?

    there either needs to be moonlight, or some form of very dim ambient lighting at night. Lets face it, its just not fun/practical/smart to venture out at night without NVG's.
  11. ambient

    Crazy Zombie Spawns

    i noticed that too. Ever since the patch it seems like if you agro one or two, they will attract more of them.
  12. ambient

    Waiting for server response...

    What exactly is the debug forest?
  13. ambient

    Waiting for server response...

    been waiting for 30+ minutes on each server, while last night it was getting in game withing a minute.
  14. I would have posted this in the troubleshooting forums but i dont really need any help, more like information. Is there something up with the database? Seems like any server i join doesn't want to load up/let anyone in.