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About Powkachow

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Powkachow

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I'm really sorry if this has been stated already, but there's a bug with converting ammo types that it refills the ammo in that clip, and you can just convert it back to have a full clip. Don't know if this has been looked over or not.
  2. How can he have played for so long without having an Alice Pack? I've found like 5-6 in one grocery store.
  3. So I'll login, load some multiplayer servers up (perfectly fine) join a game (perfectly fine) but if for some reason I have to exit the game I'm in (all the time), my internet is not working at all, and the server list won't load any more servers. I've read it's just the stress on my router from loading up all the servers, but I set in my steam settings "Game server brower: max pings / minute" to 250 (lowest possible setting) and it still happens. What do?
  4. Powkachow

    How to update battle eye?

    I'm having the same problem but I don't even have an "expansion" folder in my ARMA 2 folder.
  5. Powkachow

    Is it the servers or is it me?

    Same problem for me :-/