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Everything posted by heyyouman12

  1. heyyouman12

    [ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

    In-game Name: Hayden Steam Name: heyyouman12 Age: 19 Current Time Zone: EST Mic: Yes How Long You've Been Playing: A little more than a month Preferred Role: Sniper or Spotter or Forward Observer Humanity: 3540 Comments: I can play Sat. Sun. Mon. Thurs. Fri. and I can play as long as I want to or needed to. My brother is in the military and so is my sister. My brother is a E6 Engineer and my sister is an E7 as a doctor. I have a huge knowledge about military tactics thanks to them. I do play competitive paintball so I am familiar with various kinds of tactics hands on. Also, I am very good at doing a job that is assigned to me. I won't stray, lose interest, or disregard any order given. I will follow them and do the best job I can, even if it is just guarding an area. I am extremely well at being a long range sniper, support spotter, and a forward observer; yes I can do assault and such but I would prefer and I am better at those three things; although I will and can do other roles you assign to me . Thank You for your consideration, Hope to be accepted. Hayden
  2. heyyouman12

    ZAS Recruitment Re-opening

    Name: Hayden Age: 17 Location: California, United States What Games You Play: CoH, SWTOR, BF3, Total War Shogun 2, X3, Civ, STALKER, RO2, Men of War, Mount and Blade, Elder Scrolls, Crisis 1 & 2, Arma 2, etc. Experience on Day Z: Been playing for few weeks now. First time I played I lasted about 50 hours before I died of a bug. (turned in a door way while prone and broke my legs, didn't have morphine) Why do you want to join: I really want some other people to play with. I'm sick of running into to everyone and either they try and kill me, or we become friends and then they die and I never see them again. I am very good at the game. I can hold my own as well as help other people out. i think I can offer a lot. Thank, Hope to hear from you!
  3. heyyouman12

    Last Resistance - Recruiting - Final Thread

    Steam: heyyouman12 (steam pic is of DeadMau5) Age: 18 Mic: Yes Willing to Use Team Speak 3: Yes Have you been in a clan in the past: I have not Questions: I don't have any; you did a very good job on explaining your clan. Comments: I am going to school so I won't be able to play all the time but I can usually play Sat. Sun. Mon. Thurs. And I can play on those days for very long times. Hope you'll let me join!