I was moving about one my own, trying to get my hands on some supplies. Came across a barn just a little north of Chernogorsk, saw it was stocked with goodies and proceeded to evaluate what was there and take what I needed. I climbed up the stairs was and was inspecting the first loot pile when suddenly I heard a couple of gunshots, and was hit! I freaked out, and realised there was another survivor in the doorway. I quickly took a few steps back to block his line of sight and checked my guns. 2 rounds in the M1911... 4 in my einfield, but 1 spare mag. 'Right' I thought. 'If someone wants to tangle with me I'll throw down everything I have!' Since my cover seemed to work for the moment, I quickly drop the rifle, and pull my M4 CCO out of my bag. I inch my way forwards, see the target near the edge of the door and fire off a quick bust. This of course calls in hordes of zombies from near by, and while I can shoot them with single shots as they try to get up the stairs to me; my attacker had no such advantage, and he gets mauled to death. Allthough wounded, I easily dispatch the remaining zombies, and proceed to take the rest of the gear in the barn, and loot the corpse of my unprovoked attacker. Got a new makarov and 6 mags off him, so over all not too bad for my first combat encounter with another survivor.