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Everything posted by weld

  1. weld

    Some DayZ Facts About You...

    In the mod, I had been to the NWAF and around the map a long time before I ever saw a blood bag. In the mod, I once stole a blood bag from a sniper on Dobry hill. I killed my first zombie in the standalone with a kitchen knife. If I can I will wear the blue paramedic set. I wear a headlamp when I play with others, only so I can show them where I am or show them objects on the ground without having to use my hands slot. The brass knuckles are my favorite zombie killing tool. Whenever I find a shovel I feel compelled to try to throw it onto a roof.
  2. Almost every time I've shot or otherwise killed another player.
  3. weld

    Alt Tab Death

    If you must use an external map, http://savagecore.eu/dayz/ is the cleanest. No loot drop information, nothing to clutter it up. Simple and fast. I find myself occasionally looking for wells on DayZDB but that is all I use it for. One ought not complain that one suffers damage in a minimized or alt-tabbed window.
  4. Still nothing for me - I tried redownloading and verifying game files, no change.
  5. I have the same issue - I can't imagine generating a new character on the non-experimental shard would resolve.
  6. weld

    DayZ Mod 1.8 Update

    Over a year of shooting/hatcheting those benches, and now they are removed. This is possibly the best thing to ever happen to DayZ. * [FIXED] - Removed benches in the middle of the NWAF barracks entrance.
  7. It is with sadness that I make this announcement. I will be closing the server at the end of this month. The traffic and my availability have both been so low that it just isn't feasible to keep it running any longer. Sorry to those who have built bases and whatnot - due to some health issues I have not been available to play but a few hours over the past month or so and have had little time to work out server-related issues like I had hoped. All good things must come to an end.
  8. Refueling is working now - scroll near a gas station pump to activate. I haven't tested it with a chopper but I think you can land on the overhang. Should have chopper loot fixed soon.
  9. I'm working on getting access to the current PBO so I can fix some things. On a side note, people crash helicopters all over the place. This is a really sad log. Hopefully I can get refueling scripts done so we can avoid this fate.
  10. Yeah I had the same issue. I'll be checking but it does seem like the update broke them.
  11. That's what most people do with them. I'll see what I can do about the refueling scripts.
  12. Must have been an instance - there are no plane spawns in cherno as far as I can tell.
  13. People tend to drive them to the NWAF and leave them there - I've seen dozens of vehicles across several towns in the last couple of days. They're there. I respawned a few just to be sure that we aren't missing any though.
  14. Yeah, zombies and loot drops for the most part are controlled by the mod settings - not something I can easily change. But I'll check into it. Lots of helis around - saw three yesterday.
  15. I've set this to daylight for now - we've been having some problems with the night cycle. Very friendly server - I haven't seen a bandit in over a week.
  16. We're still working on tweaking the night time cycle - it was supposed to be set so the moon was out when it is night, but I know it is different for different people - pitch black for me as well. I've already pushed the time back twice since it was almost night at 5PM in-game.
  17. Sorry about the too many vehicles. I may or may not have been drunk when adding them in.
  18. The recent updates have broken most of our custom loot tables and (as far as I can tell) lowered loot drops across the board. We should have the custom drops working as soon as we can figure out the new system.
  19. We have restructured the management of this server and are back in business. Please come play with us!
  20. weld

    Scroll wheel problem

    I had this problem for a while until someone pointed out that the Steam overlay may be causing the game to think the CTRL button was depressed the entire time. Try tapping left CTRL to see if the scroll menu comes back up. Your servant, Weld
  21. weld

    Character not syncing?

    Some servers are connected to private databases - look for "Private Hive" in the name. These will keep track of your character on that server only and don't update the public hive, so your public hive character will still be wherever you left it. Your servant, Weld