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About Sabby

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DayZ Name : Sabby How long have you played DayZ :Around 1.5 months. I played ARMA 2 as well. Time Zone: EST Late night. Playtime is usually midnight to 6am. Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes, I will. But I don't like duping, and hacking obviously. Mostly I just would like a good organized group to play with on a regular basis. What is your primary role requested?: LMG/Heavy Weapons or Sniper/Spotter. I agree to follow all your rules. They are basically the way I play now. I used to play a lot with the folks on the reddit TS but am looking for something more organized. I have a blast playing this game but there is a time for fucking around and there is a time for the gameface. Too many people don't know when to shutup and let the spotter or overwatch talk. I don't expect perfection just a good group for organized team play. You guys sound like a good outfit.