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    On the Coast

    Recruiting Portuguese player(s)

    We are looking for players, not server to play on. But I might have a look at it, see what is going on there :)
  2. Looking for Portuguese players or people that can speak Portuguese at least. We are looking for people that have played DayZ for a while now and is looking for some people to play with. We wanted some one with skills and with time to play, must be active. We play almost everyday after 6pm UK time. We are 4 right now, but we are looking for at least 1 or 2 more. We use Skype or TeamSpeak (mostly Skype) and we play on private hives the most, because of the amount of cheaters on community hives. Add me on Skype ( caio_kb ), Steam ( caio_kb28 ) or XFire ( caiokb ) and come play with us! Thanks in advance. CAIOLOL
  3. Server Name: DayZNamalsk - (0.55/98220) - (UTC) - (Regular|3D:ON|CH:ON) - unknownkillers.enjin.com to get password| Vilayer.com Your Time Zone: UTC - Lisbon London Date/Time: 30/10/2012 - Around 21:30ish Server Administrator: CyberHunter What hapend: Me and my budies were playing on that server for the first time and we found an URAL, it was fine until one of the admin's friends come in (wyLd_D3v4sTati0n was the name of his friend) and notice that the URAL is not where he last left it. We saw them typing on side chat and we said nothing. After a while, they were still typing on the side chat and said that they had found it with 3 tires blown up (we had did that), we had another car and we rushed there. Getting there we saw 1 guy by the truck and 2 other cars (UAZ's) parked infront of it. We killed the guy and started to prefire on the trees to see if there was another guy around, no one showed up so we took the cars and left. They started to curse alot and calling out names, normal rage that just lost their gear and vehicles, after that they started saying that they were going to ban us. A few minutes later (like 2-3) we got banned from the server. Screenshot: http://postimage.org/image/u0x7xg1r9/ I hope you guys look into it. Thanks alot. CAIOLOL
  4. I'm looking for EU actually :( If you know one that has EU servers (UK/DE anywhere in EU really, just not RU) with private hive, please let me know. I haven't asked for the guys from ZAP-Hosting yet, but as soon as I do and have a reply I leave here a comment saying if they have it or not. Thanks again mate! CAIOLOL
  5. I rented it from a GSP (ZAP-Hosting). I will ask them if they can change it to private hive. I was thinking about setting up a forum where people can sign in, introduce themselfs and get the password after doing that. I know the server won't be 'hackers free' but there will be alot less hackers thn there it is right now, in less thn 3 days I died 5 times for hackers in my own server and I'm loosing my will to play this game, which is a shame coz this is one of my favorites games of all times. Anyway, thanks for the help. CAIOLOL
  6. So, I have a DayZ server (DE 3492) and since it is new, hackers are joining it very often, people are not joining our server anymore. We used to have around 20-30 people in this 40 slots server, now the maximum we get is 10-15. I want to change the server from Comunitty hive to private hive so it will be harder to hackers to get in and there is not going to be so many people server hopping and stuff like that. Can anyone tell me how do I change from comunity hive to private hive? Thanks alot! CAIOLOL

    Portugal Players

    Mais 1 aqui! Tenho um grupo de pessoal ja a jogar cmg, tamos a procura de mais ppl pa entrar po grupo. Ppl k tenha noçao de como jogar ja, materidade, cabeça e de preferencia bom aim :P steam: caio_kb28 xfire: caiokb skype: caio_kb

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    Same problem here, but I run 2 servers. 1 of them spawn the vehicles but at server restart they go back to their original spot with no repairs at all and tents do not save items, but they are there after server restart (no items in it ofc). The other server vehicles spawn as well but when server restart the vehicle you have turn into another vehicle or just go back to spawn point, example, I had a heli, ural, quadbike and 3 tents full of stuff, server restarted and the heli became a tractor, ural became a bicicle, quadbike was instact (OHHHH) and the 3 tents were still there but no items inside of it. This is pretty annoying considering we are paying least 30€ for a server that is not working. Not because of the server provider, but because of the mod itself. The older server is around a month old and the new one around 8 days. Just going to play on other people servers and stop paying for mine, this is the last month I'm paying for both servers if this problem don't get fixed until the end of the month. Had enough.