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About Nwoswat

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Interests
    I enjoy playing and making videos with Dayz and work on my Gmod videos
  1. Hi I've been playing Dayz since Last July and had no problems with my global account but for a few months now i've been playing alot of Namalsk, Origin, and Lingor with my pals so we decided that we should play with our global characters considering they have a 100 days alive and to be honest i just wanted to die so i can start again but everytime I try to join i get kicked for public variable restriction #0 and checked if my dayz and arma was up to date which were and no problems someone please tell me and No i dont hack or cheat. Edit: For some reason my Arma saids WRONG CD KEY when i update my arma 2 did i get my CD key stolen? P.S I cant join private hives without any issue
  2. Nwoswat

    What to do now?

    You rather die a hero or watch yourself become the bandit
  3. Nwoswat

    Places to get better gear?

    Yes Deerstands were a good place to look now its not military its hunter loot best thing you can find is a CZ 550
  4. Nwoswat

    Places to get better gear?

    So if your a fresh respawn I'd say the best place for starting gear with the Medium high amount of risk. Medium - high is Elektro and Cherno, most likely fresh respawns will head to those cities because they have fire halls which is a good place to start for weapons and if you cant get anything usefull there look in residental buildings you might find yourself a lee enfield which isn't a bad gun if you know how to use it, or a winchester. but the neat thing in Cherno is there is a firehall and military tents where you have a chance of finding decent weapons like AK47, M4 hell even a chance for a sniper like the M24 but which is very slim. Risks are Medium because if there is a sniper in Elektro you can know where there shooting from and you have plenty of cover from the houses etc. The other near the coast is balota Airfield which is a very high risk, why? Because unlike Cherno and Elektro you have literally almost no cover if you get shot at, I mean at least you can maneuver around using the buildings as cover but in Balota you have your choice from the Tower and hangers thats it and hell hangers wont do much unless your being shot from the north by a Bambi Bandit, but you also have the risk of players coming from Cherno with lets say an AK then you only have the tower to hide from and if you get stuck there you cant move you stuck, you would be a sitting duck unless you combat log. I'd say the best one is Berezino with the PvP risk of Low - Medium but its a little bit of a walk because you cant spawn right in front of berezino if you spawned in Solinchniy look right of the industral buildings and go that way your heading north to Berezino which has a military camp but thier small but if your the unlucky fellow who couldn't find anything at the military camp go north there you will find the NEAF (North East Airfield) usually the NEAF is empty but i'd say its a low - medium because usually all the players go to the NWAF. If you decide to head north Stary Sober is a very good place to loot for military gear just watch for bandits camping it check the north side of the hill of Stary Sober first if there is someone camping the town 95% of the time they're going to be in the hill. unless thier looting or some other reason. Stary Sober is at a High/medium for PvP and usually the guys camping are decently geared with automatic and snipers. The Best places are Helicopter Crash and NWAF and could range from Very High to Low A Helicopter Crash far up north would be Low for PVP but lets say near Stary or a tower i'd say its high but there the best for weapons because thier are rare weapons such as the AS50 only spawn in at Helicopter Crashes. NWAF is a Very High Risk of PVP because unless helicopter crashes it wont be hard to find and it spawns in very good weapons with a higher chance such as the MK MOD 0, DMR, M4A1 HOLO with Grenade launcher etc. tip for this would be stay low stick to the trees and behind the hangers and NEVER EVER rush straight across go around.
  5. Nwoswat

    Server trouble

    Not only that make sure that your Arma 2 is also up to date along with the custom map your planning on playing
  6. thanks for the heads up will do
  7. Make sure your Arma and you're dayz is up to date that could be the reason for it i've had the same trouble when it wasn't fully up to date
  8. Hi a group of friends and I decided to start playing dayz origins because we wanted to do something new like build a house or a settlement if we can. Because we pretty much done everything from Heli convoy to a huge camp. So my question is when you have these blue prints do you NEED to be a bandit to build a bandit house or a hero can i just be a survivor? another thing is we realized that the blueprints are literally everywhere I'm curious what the difference Btw L1,L2,and L3 and wonder where to get it because we have found hundreds of blue prints but all L1 to Lg Garage Thanks!
  9. It is a steam copy but im not sure what you mean by jumping from different maps he just starts of a origin server or any dayz server from commander and he gets kicked
  10. No he doesn't and for us he just disconnects or times out
  11. Hi so I have a group of 4 friends (including me) that play dayz regularly we decided to start using commander to get the custom dayz maps, 3 of my friends including me have been using dayz commander for months without any problem but one of my friends cant seem to get it work every time we played he used six launcher not commander. So he decided he was going to hop over to commander considering its easy to download the custom maps but every time he plays with the commander his game crashes, or when he joins he cant see the names in the lobby and gets kicked even thought everything is up to date. please if anyone knows how to fix this help us because i don't want to ditch him to play custom maps
  12. Never mind I downgraded it to 1.7.6 and i can join all the servers
  13. I've been playing Dayz since July and this update really screwed me over, my friend thats played almost as long as me is playing and running on the proper version of Dayz and Arma 2 and we both use the Dayz commander but for some reason my Dayz commander saids its up to date with dayz version and arma version 102285 its starting to making me angry because of the fact i've tried redownloading the patch, doing the hot fix and still nothing when he uses his launcher he finds servers that are updated with the new patch of 1.7.6-finalsing and all the servers that are up to date with my launcher is out of date. Please someone help :)
  14. Nwoswat

    What is a "Bambi" in DayZ?

    A bambi is a player who is usually new player to dayz, it originated from Frankie1080onPC where he calls players with common weapons like the Winchester, Hachet, etc. and would call him a bambi, and a bambi is originally from a disney cartoon movie and it is a helpless young deer
  15. Hi I started using arma 2 editor to make an intro for my new dayz video, so far i got the hang of all the camera angles spawning the player as an Dayz survivor etc. but the only thing missing now is the zombies i thats the only thing i dont know if someone can please help that would be great! :)