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Everything posted by mrpiipe

  1. mrpiipe

    And suddenly, everybody dropped from the sky

    Probably? Did you try using a parachute? :p
  2. mrpiipe


    Tents placing isn't working properly (I think), try doing it in a different place? It's quite difficult and a bunch of time is lost trying to place them...
  3. mrpiipe

    New Mechanic Suggestion.

    There's already a big punishment for swimming and is loosing your items. Also you should have posted this in the suggestions section...
  4. mrpiipe

    Sniper rifle v. Assault rifles

    Yeah, sniper rifle and a m1911 are enough to keep you alive from Zeds.
  5. mrpiipe

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    I don't think 5 seconds is enough. Maybe 30 seconds or 1 minute?
  6. No It would be rather easy to spot people that way, maybe a value and not a sound?
  7. YES! It would make the game more interesting!
  8. Thank you, we weren't sure if it was the right section for this thread. That's weird, a couple of people have already registered in the forums, maybe you did something wrong? I'm not really sure though.
  9. If you want you can also join our TS3 server and join the DayZ channel!
  10. mrpiipe


    And I care because....?