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About Bubonix

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. If you know the problem then why not communicate it to your private hive admins who have database access and can possible fix it themselves. We spend an enormous amount of time trying to build our population only to have it wiped out while we sit and watch. Communication would solve 90% of your issues and ours. The glitch seems to come from the Instance table. The fix doesn't seem like its going to be earthshattering. Just fix one and publish the fix. People who can't can still ticket for you to do it, people who can will sort it. Simple really. Reading this on the official Bliss forum http://dayzprivate.com/forum/index.php/topic,689.0.html last line from the man himself.
  2. Our server had a hacker attack last night who ported all the vehicles to an Island where they were destroyed. We did a reset to try and respawn the vehicles back to more normal positions but they are not spawning anywhere. Does this mean we are on the 7 day timer as the vehicles have been read by the hive as destroyed? If so is there any way to reset the timer? It seems rediculous that the gaming community has to go without for a week on the basis of a hack and that admins have no way to overcome it.