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About partyzan

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. partyzan

    New Lingor Version!

    Not realy smart to say bullshit to mess buddies. speaking of permission: http://SSMaker.ru/de614224.png also, dayz lingor runs awesome on mods original dlls, which is not spread to everybody
  2. partyzan

    Relog suggestion

    that is in plans as far i know, and it dont prevent guys from disconnecting from fight
  3. partyzan

    Relog suggestion

    Hello mates. Saddly, i am lazy enough to browse whole conference, so may be i will say obvious thing, but it is not still ingame. Actually all combat logout and cross-server loot farming issues can be solved very easy: Log in on any server you can only at nearest "clearzone" - forests for example. Logging of could be solved in two ways, hardcore (as whole thing) - if you log out anywhere but that clearzones you die, and more lag-server-reboot-and-other-stuff - friendly : you just loose your position and appear at clearzone. Sorry for my english
  4. partyzan

    IF this was an actual game...

    If i cached the concept of game right, there is no point in f2p at all. Also, you are not linked to your character evolution like in wow or eve, so no point in mounthly payment too. So it is Game purchase only for sure. Studio or community - i guess there should be BIS style, when you have tools to fix game weak moments, and may be even do it better, but core thing is supported by studio. Also this game is pointless without social play, which is made by community, but should be supported by studio by game features. Sorry for my english
  5. partyzan

    MERGED: Different Islands

    Whats the point in size, when atm in cherno the only reasonable location is Nw airfield? At lingor you have several large cities, military bases and objects. Empty forests of cherno do not make it more interesting to play - respawn, regroup with your mates, go to airfield, grab some guns... respawn, regroup...
  6. partyzan

    MERGED: Different Islands

    I adopted mod's config files for that island, so it needs only a standalone database (which is needed anyway against server hopping farm IMHO), Its really hard to show whole thing ingame in one video, so there is my trying to approach to one of south towns. Many interactive buildings included.
  7. partyzan

    MERGED: Different Islands

    It is 9x9, but actually, it has more usable zones, instead of war-oriented chernarus hills and forests
  8. Hello. Lingor island is really much more suitable for dayz - many large towns, tropical terrain. Many entrable buildings aswell. http://SSMaker.Ru/27dccdef/ http://SSMaker.Ru/2d0b621e/ http://SSMaker.Ru/ef1c1414/ http://SSMaker.Ru/71d9bf52/ Is it possible to make a version of missions on that map? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10792&highlight=LINGOR