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Posts posted by DFStormbringer

  1. Got to love how the hackers he just globally banned come here and try to accuse us of the things they just got banned for.

    the amusing thing is.. WE have the video and sreenshots of them not only using a magnet script to pull vehicles.. backpacks and an assortment of goodies to the island.. we ALSO have screens of thier dead bodies.. names linked to their bodies through the inspect command with thier backpacks showing the G36sd which was clearly a hacked weapon.

    video of these players teleporting to the island.. oh.. and when you finally got the chopper to lift off.. us sniping the driver and the other 3 dying in the crashing inferno.

    enjoy your global ban.. the evidence has been submitted and it will stick.

    and PS.. rocker is NOT SLF.. hes vVv.. one of the server admins.

    bandits of skill we welcome your challange.

    Script kiddies.. well lets just say of the 15+ regulars.. 6 of them have recording software.. and all of us LOVE takeing screenshots.

    come in here hacking.. and get caught.. expect a global hive ban from DayZ.

    Get caught playing in a group WITH hackers.. expect a local ban.
