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Everything posted by CrazyNelis

  1. I think that bandits need to be punished more than an ugly player skin, like the have less blood. or do less damage. hero's should have more blood and maybe more damage. this should encourage players to be nice to each other. B)
  2. CrazyNelis

    Trust nobody! Not even on a non - pvp server!

    Only don't trust peeps with a bigger gun than yours
  3. So I was playing with a squad today, and there was a clan on, the [VIP] clan and it was their server. suddently we got teleported to ocean. but it was only the guys who weren't the VIP clan. I have a virus so I can't upload a screenshot. But here are the names [VIP]THERAPINGPANDA [VIP]ZileX [VIP]SpotLight [VIP]Malum
  4. Hello, I am a decent DayZ player and I am looking for some teammates, it doesen't matter what gear you have. :rolleyes: We comm trough Teamspeak. As we grow bigger we will get some vehicles and a nice camp. I also need to mount a rescue mission because my friend is stranded on devils castle. If you want to teamup with me, Contact me on steam; 'crazy_nelis' Thank you ;3