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Everything posted by Brad_543

  1. Hello So... there was this box on the Calamar airfield on the map Lingor Island which had almost every item in the game (you could only imagine how hectic it was). I managed to run in and get an m24 and what I thought was "camo clothing" then after I equipped it I noticed it was soldier clothing... Can I get into trouble for having this? Thanks in advance
  2. Brad_543

    Soldier Camo Clothing

    Oh and... my civilian clothing was not in my inventory 'or' on the ground
  3. Brad_543

    Looking for small group of 3 - 5.

    Hello!, what country are you in? How experienced are you? and what gear do you have? Thanks
  4. Yeah... Source please. I'm super excited for Stand Alone. W00p! W00p!
  5. Awesome ideas! Some are just to detailed... for example the medical suggestions. These suggestions are 'great', but they would be very hard to code for and would take a lot of time to learn. Not to mention how much harder it would make it for the solo survivor!
  6. Brad_543

    Is this what you call a bandit?

    And why so much hate? Hes just another friendly DayZ player...
  7. Brad_543

    Is this what you call a bandit?

    Did you learn your lesson? lol
  8. Yes. W%$^S always put them in front of firehouses IN ELECKREONOVIOSADSK. Players in ELECKREONOVIOSADSK generally don't have TOOLBOXES Thank you
  9. Hello Awesome awesome ideas. I say take all this but instead of bases on land make it underground (I believe this is what Rocket would like to see in stand alone).This is for many reasons e.g for small groups who still want a base, I personally would find it annoying having small to large areas of a city/town closed of and not being able to access the loot there, Server hopping.......(yes you did mention this but still your solution would not be effective) etc etc. Underground construction would eliminate almost all of these. Honestly awesome job going to all this trouble, love it :)
  10. Brad_543


    Depends on the gun 100% for me anyway