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About bibiibjorn

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bibiibjorn

    Stuck on ( Setup completed, Please wait...)

    I can confirm NOTHING works as of what was suggested. a friendly "hacker"bro tried spawning me in chernarus , then he would give me some stuff we would walk around for couple of minutes for the server to registrate my character.. But nothing.. I respawned and still in the debug zone :('
  2. bibiibjorn

    Stuck on ( Setup completed, Please wait...)

    character is linked to cd-key. OW GAWD WE WERE SO SMART. NOW THEY WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO CHEAT. God freaking damn it. IT IS BECAUSE YOUR CHARACTER IS LINKED TO THE CD-KEY THAT WE ARE STUCK. THAT IS WHY REINSTALLING THE GAME/STEAM OR EVERY OTHER PROGRAM DOESN'T WORK. and yes I am raging. Not because I can't play it for like 2 weeks, but because PEOPLE HAVE BEEN ASKING AND SENDING TICKETS FOR LIKE GOD DAMN 2 WEEKS. I thank you for responding after god knows how many threads that are on this forum. Let us hope we find a solution and that everyone can have a descent playing experience again :)
  3. Fellow dayz-players. I am stuck with the "loading completed,please wait" message! If i wait for 30 minutes I spawn in the debug zone. Can anyone teleport me to chernarus? or anyone who can fix this? player id :" rayloadingpleasewait " I know, a silly name but I couldn't think of anything else :P
  4. Fellow dayz-players. I am stuck with the "loading completed,please wait" message! If i wait for 30 minutes I spawn in the debug zone. Can anyone teleport me to chernarus? or anyone who can fix this? player id :" rayloadingpleasewait " I know, a silly name but I couldn't think of anything else :P
  5. all of my rage right now. Never had a single issue. Now THIS
  6. bibiibjorn

    Stuck on ( Setup completed, Please wait...)

    Bumping this shit till ONE GOD DAMN MODERATOR OR DEVELOPER SORTS OUT THE PROBLEM! Seriously. How can one fuck up a game/mod that bad? I know it's alpha. but server hive issues? seriously? BUUUUUUUUMP