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Everything posted by Gh0st233

  1. I uploaded some pictures. There is no way for me to get out of there without an admin help. What to do?
  2. I have recently updated the game to the new patch, over PlayWithSix and manually, because I was getting some Dayz_Code error. Now, most servers that I CAN join are private hive, while there is a very low number of public hive servers I can join, because they are running the 1.62.101480 version, instead of 1.62 version that I have got. This is a version of what? Arma 2? How do I update my something version to match? In advance, thank you.
  3. Thought someone may be interested, so I'll post a picture of the new one that I have found, with it being Survival ACU. It has 16 slots, much like the Czech backpack before the update. The screenshot: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=125095630 If you have found any other new backpacks, please do post a screenshot as I am very interested in what they might look like.
  4. Gh0st233

    Pictures of new backpack(s)

    You're welcome! :)
  5. Gh0st233

    Pictures of new backpack(s)

    I diedededed. I heard my legs crack and just died. No zombies or players around. :) Thanks, anyway. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=125179652 - British Assault Pack. Not on my back tho, on the guy in front of me. It apparently has 18 slots.
  6. So only a small number of servers actually updated to Alright, thank you!
  7. This is the second time this happened and I am not sure if it is a bug or it's supposed to act in such fashion. First time I got my hero skin, I ended up getting shot in the power plant, after respawning I have lost the 250 blood bag bonus and the hero skin. I regained it today, and I left the server to play something else, when I came back, I lost the last 250 humanity points that got me the skin in the first place. Is this a bug or are we supposed to lose 250 humanity each reconnect?
  8. Gh0st233

    Why do you use 3rd person?

    I'm going to talk about myself here, because I know people may use it to gain an advantage and what not. I am a hero character and I very rarely enter in PVP activities, because I'm not that good at shooting. I have some awesome moments, but most are just bad. I use the third person because I like seeing my skin, I don't know why, but that's just how it is. If the first person was made better in SA, I don't know if I would use it. Maybe, maybe not. But for now, I'll stick to third person for running around and such. Also,some weapons look really ugly in first person, for example, the remington 870. EDIT: Not everybody will get the same experience with DayZ let him be a bambi or an experienced player Isn't that kind of the point of DayZ? Everyone getting a different experience.
  9. Gh0st233

    Why do you use 3rd person?

    You just answered it. 5 people like the first, and 50 (just an example) like the third. If you like seeing your character minecraft style, that doesn't mean everyone else does. I like seeing my character and I think the third person FOV is a lot better. I use first only for driving and aiming.
  10. It takes 10 if you're already at 2500 humanity. But from 0 to 5000 it takes you 20 blood bags, tho you do get 150 humanity every...20 minutes?
  11. I currently have 5920 humanity and I died, and it didn't roll back at all. :) Tho it did roll back from 6170 to 5920 after dying, so I'm confused.
  12. I know this has probably been asked before, and that I should have used a searach function, but this question I have is rather specific. I had 3000 humanity a moment ago, I killed a bandit, after that I killed a survivor that killed my friend, after that, someone in a ghillie suit (survivor) attacked me and I killed him. Now I have -1500 humanity. How exactly does it work, and is it combined with the combat mode at all? For example: If the ghillie guy* shoots an ak in my proximity and it lands right next to me, am I put in combat mode? If it does, will killing him make me lose humanity equal to his amount of positive humanity, or will I lose none? If it doesn't, I will definitely lose, correct? Thanks in advance.
  13. Reactivating the thread, new question! Today, we were attacked by 2 guys. My friend killed one and ended up being killed by the other (other was a survivor), I killed the other survivor guy, and lost my hero skin. A few moments later, the one who my friend killed returned to take a weapon and kill me, I told him in VON to go away or I will have to kill him. Out of sudden, a bandit with an ak starts shooting me and the newcomer sees this as an opportunity to get a weapon and take revenge. He starts shooting with an m1014 that I left on one of the bodies, and I start running around him. I don't recall him hitting me, but I killed him and didn't loose much humanity from those 2 kills. The first one I killed happened to shoot me with an M24 some 3-4 minutes ago, so I don't know if that helped. I lost about 500-700 humanity from all of that. My initial thought was, if I kill a survivor, I lose as much humanity as he has. If I kill a survivor with 2.5k humanity, I lose 2.5k humanity. Is this how it works or is there something else to it? Could the survivors just have had low humanity? Also, what would happen if I kill an aggresive hero?
  14. That's not the problem. I will get it when I give one more blood bag, but the point is that I'm going to lose it after I die. I can't give a blood bag every time I die just to get the skin.
  15. Does nobody know about this?
  16. Is there any way to fix it? For example, getting more humanity? What I meant was, if I lose 250 humanity, if I get 500 will I lose 500 or 250 only?
  17. A great tutorial for newcomers. :) I give you my beans fro helping the bambies!
  18. One more question. I was killed by an M107 shot and I was a hero. I had 5150 humanity, once I respawned, I had 4900. Why did I lose some humanity? I shot and killed nobody.
  19. I have listened to it now, as well. Why do I think it came from his right? Well, let's start by saying that the shooter is very far away, as you can hear the gun shot a little bit after the shot actually lands. And it does sound like it lands left of him, but what that means is that the bullet hit the ground relatively close and left of him, which is why it sounds like it came from the left, but the actual gunshot can be heard from the right, which leads me to believe the first shooter is on his right, rather than his left, where he was originaly looking. I don't hear any fragment of an AS50 sound at the end, but if you're sure, than okay. Also, like someone else said before, do not shift-tab while someone is out there to kill you. I have died several times to this. When you're shift-tabbing, you can't track your surroundings good because you're concentrated on the message you're trying to tell your friend. Voice chatting is a lot better because it only requires you to push a button and tell your friend whatever you want. Quicker, safer. Anyhow, you were a sitting duck there anyway. If you can shift your position, the shooter can, as well.
  20. The bullet came from your right at 2:58. EDIT: To clarify, the bullet came from your right at 2:58, and you ran to your left and, to my understanding, you thought it came from the left. I don't know what killed you at the end because I hear no gunshots. I hear a sound which sounds a bit like a revolver or some other handgun, but I am not sure. You would see them getting close to you to kill you with a handgun, wouldn't you? It could have been hackers, but then again doesn't have to be. Strange things do happen in DayZ and you have to be very careful. Otherwise, I don't really know why anybody would go to NEAF. Sure, it may be worth checking out, but that's just rotten luck. Don't buy any lottery tickets for some time. Out of 6 people on the server, yourself included, one happens to be somewhere where people rarely venture to, with you.
  21. It happened on DE 901 Regular server, don't know the full name but as far as I know, there is only one DE 901 regular. His name was Max, and he wears a bandit turban. Sadly I did not record it, or get any screenshots of it because I did not expect him to be a cheater. I heard an lmg fire in Elektro and went to check it out, I had a Winchester. Saw this bandit in one of the residential houses near the hospital. Fired one in his head, he didn't die. Fired a few more in his chest and he didn't die. He shot me with the makarov and broke my legs, while I was on the ground, he was shooting me and I was shooting him. Needless to say, I emptied my whole Winchester mag on him, that is 15 shots. Yes, I am sure most of them connected, and I am more than sure that he should have died. What happened later? A friend was on the hospital roof when he heard this happen, the hacker, whose name was Max, entered the house across the hospital, the one with 3 opened doors and 2 balconies. Suddenly, he spawned right behind my friend and killed him. Even after that, I spawned in Elektro and found a PDW in the fire station. I saw a friendly in the church and he said he needed a blood bag, so I went to get one for him in the hospital. The windows were shattered, there was a wood camo military offroad truck next to it, a survivor and, well, Max. They started shooting me, and I returned fire. I did not expect this bandit to be Max, but apparently he was, as I read the nameplate. Again, emptied whole mag in him and he did not die. Meanwhile, he shot more than 10 times with his Makarov, which is supposed to have 8. I am very sad that I don't have any video proof, but I am surprised that this hacker problem is larger every day.
  22. Gh0st233


    They removed that a long time ago. Just run the Operation Arrowhead Beta and make sure you enable DayZ in the expansions menu. Or like Bloody said, download DayZ Commander.
  23. Gh0st233

    Dayz Pmc

    Like barret said, right clock on ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead or Beta, depends which one you run to play DayZ with. Or if you're using DayZ Commander, you can find them in the settings. If you're using PlayWithSix, settings, again.