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About berethorn

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  1. berethorn

    [TRADE] Ghillie suits

    Hey, sorry but sold both of them. closed.
  2. berethorn

    [TRADE] Ghillie suits

    PM me with steam/skype details
  3. Hey, I've got 2 spare ghillie suits. I'd like to trade a ghillie suit for one of the following: -NVG -AS50 + Ammo -Rangefinder -M9 SD + ammo -GPS
  4. berethorn

    [TRADE] Rangefinder

    I guarentee you me and my group got these items legitimately, also this is not a "scam" or any of that sort. I just despretly need a rangefinder because i never seem to find one. Also to the poster above me, im willing to meet you, but put the location / time in a private message so that not everyone on this forum knows.
  5. I'm in need of a rangefinder I'm willing to trade it for a: -AS50 -NVG -L85a2 aws -GPS -Ghillie suit -M9 SD
  6. berethorn

    TRADING! Offers for my AS50 & Rangefinders!

    l85a2 aws or NVG for rangefinder
  7. berethorn

    [TRADE] LF a rangefinder

    Seems like he went offline. Still looking for a rangefinder
  8. berethorn

    [TRADE] LF a rangefinder

    deal, i send you a pm
  9. berethorn

    [TRADE] LF a rangefinder

    still looking
  10. If you're still looking for a ghillie ill trade it for the rangefinder
  11. Greetings, im looking for a rangefinder and a beartrap Ill trade them for any of these: -AS50 -NVG -GPS -Ghillie suit -M9 SD