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Posts posted by Islandborn

  1. I have been roaming dayzmod forums for quite a while now, but I've had enough of this and its the only reason I made an account(to express my little rant)

    To the point...

    Since the patch came out, upon repetitive logging in into DayZ servers, I've noticed that most of the time I get respawned back at the shore, with ALL my gear.

    This, upon most other bugs, which I usually ignore, is the most annoying one. For me, it just takes away the spirit of the game, if you know what I mean. Knowing, that you will log on to whatever server and find yourself at the coast, isn't really an appealing feeling and its one of the reasons I don't play the game more often ._.

    Someone should definitely look into it as soon as possible.

    Anyway, I just wanted to share, that I have the same problem.

    tl,dr: Rant/respawn at the beach with gear/rant.


    It is not a @hive/arma beta/DayZ alpha patch problem, so don't even give me that shit.

    I just created an account to post this to you.......

    Atleast you still HAVE YOUR gear dude....This fuckin' game....4th time in a week....log out after I find a nice spot in the tree lines....log back in....Server notes I am dead...respawn back to BFE and all my gear is gone...not even a fukin' flashlight..oh but I still have my ghillie......This fukin' game...sux that it is like crack or heroin....just can't get enuff of my fix.....oh well...time to fukin' troll and run my ass another 20-30 minutes back to the airfield.......fukin' game....
