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Everything posted by Gooner205

  1. Gooner205

    "It's an alpha."

    You don't see the issue, people are annoyed at others who complain about bugs. You don't need to go all CAPSLOCKWARRIOR and you certainly don't need to act like you are being screwed over by the devs when you see a bug, because it is in alpher and the whole point of it is to iron out all the bugs in the game.
  2. Gooner205

    Character Routes (Where did you character go?)

    I like how at the northwest airfield nothing happened.
  3. Did you need to spam everyone else's threads?
  4. Gooner205

    EDG | Clan recruitment application

    Do you have skype?: afc_ben What experiance do you have with dayz?: been playing since you started with a makarov which was a long time ago. Why do you want to join (3 reasons):bored on my own, my other clan wasn't working out, want to get back into squad play What are you? (Bandit, Hero): Depends on the map, situation, mood etc. I played hero for the most part of dayz, drifted towards banditry for a bit due to being betrayed but thats starting to bore me so now I pretty much play survivor, however I enjoy squad combat. Will you be active in the clan?: I'm not going to lie and end up not fulfilling my promises. I will play as much as time allows me, simple.
  5. They say the first kill is the hardest. That it becomes easier after that. They are absolutely right. You grow up thinking killing is the worst sin, an almost unreal occurrence that belongs in the world of make-believe, in movies and stories; an act carried out by despicable villains. Then one day you're faced with a choice you had never thought you would have to make. Answer a question you never thought you would be asked. Your existence or someone else's. It is as simple as that. Survival of the fittest they call it. If to survive, you must be fit, and if to be fit, you need to be able to kill, then can your desire to exist be held against you? My first target picked itself. I don’t call him a victim, for he would’ve done the same to me eventually, had I not put him down. Anyways, he was a long-time companion. We were bosom buddies, confidantes, comrades and the best of friends. We knew each other’s deepest secrets and our darkest fears. Or at least I thought we did. He certainly knew mine. In fact, he knew about everything that happened to me. I turned to him for advice, and followed him even when I disagreed. I trusted his infallibility even more than my own. Guess I am to be blamed here, but who knew? Life is funny, in the way it changes colors. The sun sets on a once bright relationship, and you're left alone in the dark, wondering how things had come to such a pass. Paths diverge, priorities change, ideologies differ. An invisible, barely perceptible mental gap appears, eventually growing large enough to finally break through the smiles that have now grown insincere. And I had let it stay that way treating it as a minor discomfort that could be accommodated. Big mistake. While I believed the implicit truce between us was an equilibrium state, he went about marshalling forces to launch an attack. I will be honest to admit that I was unprepared and he caught me completely by surprise. This is a lesson I learnt and I’ve never left myself exposed to such a risk since. Conflicts that cannot be resolved must be settled, once and for all. His attack was meant to finish me off. But I survived. From then on, both of us knew there would be only one result. There is nothing melodramatic about killing, and if anything, I would say that the post-first-kill feeling is quite an anti-climax. You wait for the violent shudder to chill your spine, you brace for the rush of adrenalin and a whole cocktail of hormones to flood through your veins numbing your senses. Tears, depression, insomnia, all symptomatic of acute guilt, are expected. You’re like ‘here it comes…’, but the penny never drops. And for this, they call you a cold-blooded killer. Not my fault I say. I really wanted to feel bad, to lay awake scared of the nightmares that would haunt if I let slumber take over, to cry tears of repentance and penance. But nope, nothing.
  6. Gooner205


    Age: 16 Skype: afc_ben Bandit or Hero: Prefer bandit but help people if i'm having one of those days Language: English
  7. Gooner205

    How Did You First Become a Bandit?

    Being friendly was never my forte so I had no intentions of being friendly on DayZ. I just love killing people (in game obv) First signs of a serial killer? I hope not but we'll see how it goes :rolleyes:
  8. Gooner205

    Being a cabdriver

    You could try but odds are that someone will just shoot you out of the car and drive it into a bit of debris because they have desync. All your hardwork would be for nothing and you would be left ranting on this very forum. Good Luck :thumbsup:
  9. Gooner205

    Looking for Origins Squad

    I'll tag along if you wan't. Haven't really played origins though but have played dayZ for a long time. PM me
  10. Gooner205

    LF Breaking Point players!

    Age: 16 Country: UK Skype: afc_ben Got good experience with DayZ, but only recently started playing BP, already in stary with 3 kills on my current life
  11. The Fray - How to save a life For me this is about how I feel that I am to blame for the death of a friend and how I couldn't save him.
  12. Gooner205

    Nastiest Thing You've Done

    I wiped out a team of 3 medics who had all spent ages getting up north to help some guy. I killed him as well, it felt good, so...so..gooooood
  13. Gooner205

    Starys Finest Recruiting [OPEN]

    Reason to Join: Bored of lone wolfing for 8 months Name/Nickname: Ben/Lemon Why You Should Recruit Me: I want to travel in an organised group and make stary ours
  14. Gooner205

    What's Your Favorite Gear-Out?

    Dmr M9SD or if I can't find that then an m1911 will do M14 in my pack as I love how both guns take the same ammo Although, I have recently been using the cz 550. Everyone says it sucks but I quite like it myself
  15. Hello, I am 16 and have been playing Dayz ever since since you spawned in with a pistol. I would like to be part of a group of some sort however I myself am unsure on whether my communication/interaction skills are good enough to be part of a squad. Talking isn't my strong point! I wonder if there are any groups out there which are mature but not in the way that they are far older than me and will not take the communication side of things too seriously. Regards
  16. Gooner205

    The story of becoming a bandit

    wow, great story. I became a bandit in a slightly different way. I was told by a group who I bumped into that they would kill me if i didn't kill this other guy who they had disarmed. I didn't want to but as they were going to kill me I had no choice. It was like an execution, they ended up knocking me out and leaving me in a field by stary on 1k blood. Ever since I have been killing everyone who has a weapon. Take no chances
  17. Gooner205

    I disagree with this suggestion

    I agree with making it harder but i don't think that they should go too overboard with adding things in. take a look at minecraft as an example. that game was ruined ever since they release the full version all because they started adding things in which completely ruined the survival aspect and made it far too boring.
  18. Gooner205

    Giving up, to much stupidity.

    I'm sorry but lee enfield = not to be trusted
  19. Gooner205

    Survivor Gone Bandit

    I remember when I got betrayed. It was by someone who I had known for months now, we had a camp and everything. One day we were both up in stary and as I was looting I was shot in the head. He was saying that there was another player and he was going to retreat. But little did he know I saw in the corner of my screen, him pull the trigger on me. I couldn't believe what just happened. I thought he was my friend, a brother who I could rely on in these harsh dayz. When I re-spawned I went back to camp where I found all the tents empty and some ran over. Also the vehicles were destroyed. He then deleted me off skype. i can't go through all that again. Now I shoot everyone apart from people which I know irl. I wouldn't call myself an internet rager, seeing as I played with this person since the mod came out.
  20. Gooner205

    Guy in the back...

    I play this role in real life. Knows everything about the people around him yet has no information to give
  21. Gooner205

    A Threat To Banditry Itself, And A Solution.

    Count me out! I'm not a bandit, I'm a mentally unstable psychopath who fucks up(both ways interpreted can work) everything that moves.
  22. Gooner205

    First day of high traffic on our server and....

    hey fraggle, were you playing dayzero today on server 4 because I saw someone named fraggle playing.
  23. I won't play with you if you insult me like that...