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Everything posted by sbdchd

  1. sbdchd

    Hero Skin

    I was wondering if once you get a hero skin, if you kill someone will it disappear? Any help is much appreciated.
  2. Dayz Name: chdsbd How long have you played Dayz: about a month Time Zone: EST. PvP experience: I have been playing FPS for many years. Favorite Gun/Combo: M4A1 CCO SD w/ DMR or L85A2 TWS Team Experience: I have been in clans for BF3 for about half a year. How familiar with the map are you?: I know the major cites and I have a map and gps so I can easily navigate. Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: Yes
  3. First name: Chris Age: 16 TimeZone: EST. Why you want to join: I have been playing dayz for awhile now and none of my friends have the game so solo play is becoming stale. Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest: 9 You have to make sure to look out for yourself along with the squad. Do you have Teamspeak : Yes Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No) : Yes How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie) : about month and a half
  4. sbdchd

    New Chernarus Republic Are Recruiting!

    How old are you? 16 How long have you been playing dayz? about a month What is your favorite Weapon? m4/m16 and DMR What role would you like? (Assault,Medic,Sniper,Scout,Machine Gunner,Negotiator,Spotter) Sniper, Assault, Scout Tell us a bit about yourself. I kill Zombies.
  5. sbdchd

    Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

    In Game Name: chdsbd Location: Boston Mass. USA Experience (Days/months): About 1 -2 months Age: 16 When Available: Late afternoon weekdays and most of the time on the weekends Time Available: After School Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time Weapon preference: M16/DMR Any additional information: Nope