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About Skott

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    On the Coast
  1. I had 2 tents, 1 ATV, 1 Dirt Bike and one bicycle despawn after this past update a few days ago. But I don't believe its a server issue, that's just the poor Arma II engine at its finest.
  2. I was in no way implying that your server was shit and/or nothing is being done about hackers. I wanted this information to get to the right people as soon as it happened and this was the only place I felt I would have a chance at that. I greatly appreciate your efforts to stop/ban hackers. It was not my intention to come accross as a dick either. It had just taken us a long time to acquire the items we had acquired and I came here venting our frustration about the event that had taken place. As far as ghosting, sure as shit I admitted I ghosted my friends body. I don't DC from a server if being attacked. I don't DC if killed by legitimate circumstances. But when a bus spawns in the middle of the woods and 4 people get out killing my buddy on sight, then call me what you will but I'm not willing to give my equipment to any hacker as a freebe because he decides to teleport around the map finding survivors to rape. Totality of the circumstances consisting of Miss Frizzles magical teleporting school bus and the death squad students might hint at a possible hacker. Hence my reasoning for ghosting my buddy's corpse. That is all.
  3. Today my friend and I were playing on US 1313 when my buddy was running through the middle of nowhere and yells out "O shit, a bus just spawned in front of me... AWESOME" soon followed by "FU(K, 4 people just jumped out of the bus and killed me!". I went to another server in fear of loosing my equipment, ran to the gps location he gave me just minutes before, and arrived to the gps location he gave me. I relogged into us 1313 only to find his corpse was hidden (flies in the middle of an small clearing in the woods). The only explination for this is hacks. I then saw about 5 minutes later the admin wrote something along the lines of "Just banned your friends, and your next if your still here". I can't play on this server again. We were hoping to make this our home server but it seems that this server has been victim of hackers from the previous posts I read. Any other explination of what happened either by admin or other players? Thanks.