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Everything posted by j_ballard

  1. I was playing on GB#500 (obviously) whilst a player with the username 'Dr Stalin' was chatting to his mates, over global, about what they might spawn in next, how to avoid being kicked and how this 'Dr Stalin' went about bypassing BattleEye. I then shot at a random survivor just to scare him and said "Hey guy near firestation at Elektro! I wasn't trying to shoot you!' (or something to that effect.) This Dr Stalin saw this and took it as me being shot at by this random survivor. He then offered to help me out of this situation, from which I did not need helping. He then appeared in front of me with his 50Cal. I said "Where the hell did you come from!?" and he said 'Stary.' I then shot him in the head twice and he didn't die. I then proceeded to log out of there. This seems like a fairly open and shut case.... See screenshot attached. I have two more but are too big to add here. Cheers.