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Everything posted by obviousrprsnts

  1. obviousrprsnts

    Question about log file on DayZ.ST

    Nevermind , soon as I joined in I got this added in : 19:08:26 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning 'Crashed UH-1Y' with loot table 'HeliCrash' NOW! (0) at: [10316.2,5598.05]"
  2. obviousrprsnts

    Question about log file on DayZ.ST

    Im looking into this ; arma2oaserver.RPT
  3. obviousrprsnts

    Question about log file on DayZ.ST

    Thanks for the reply , but I cant find any crash spawn in there , my friend said he found one..
  4. vehicles increased to 250..
  5. Debug Monitor is implemented, autorefuel to come
  6. Server name edited into: DayZ NL 1337 #Hollandias Lair [Veteran][250 Vehicles][CustomSpawnGear]
  7. obviousrprsnts

    The L115a3

    Even tho it has been banned from dayz in the 1.7.5 dayz patch... I would love to see it back... and maybe even in the normal dayz instead of only in private hives :P It basicly is just an bolt action as50 , with only one type of ammo which is now only possible to find with the weapon ( on crash sites in private hives ) the gun should have the same spawnrate as an as50 since its also a 50cal...
  8. obviousrprsnts

    The L115a3

    I dont care wether its in the game or not , ATLEAST remove it from the banned weapons list so private hives have the choice of using it... :\
  9. obviousrprsnts

    The L115a3

    oh by the way , ADD IT BACK IN 1.7.7 D: you'd make my dayz fun atleast quadrupple the fun it is now and thats pretty high. ^ ignore that
  10. obviousrprsnts

    How to get an helicopter fast

  11. obviousrprsnts

    How to get an helicopter fast

    Im a G.I.R.L Guy In Real Life :~)
  12. obviousrprsnts

    How to get an helicopter fast

    If it really makes you happy I will.. haha
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOLfKvgbB30
  14. You dont know the server admins , they are dicks , They shoot every fresh spawn they see, camp cherno and elektrp. And also , I can guess range easily , no need for those Nametags showing distanec anyway , Yes , I play on a vet server now. Oh and PVP is more fun than letting them surrender without any action....
  15. haha , didnt put this here to get a medal for it , or look like a badass. Also I know it wasnt that hard , it was just an awesome moment for me. And I was soo scared to get shot while being at that heli xD , so I just took the SD mags without thinking , and get the hell outta there
  16. obviousrprsnts

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Soooooo, L115a3 still on the banned list? I hope not :~) otherwise i'd be boring sniping
  17. obviousrprsnts

    Disadvantages To Carrying/Using AS50/M107

    Making it not able to run when carrying a 50. call is a great idea. The no backpack idea is also great.
  18. I dont know why they got banned( they are : L115a3 , MakarovSD etc... basicly the custom weapons on privatehives.) So yeah just as the title said please add them back? dont need to be in the regular dayz , would be nice ofcourse but atleast let private hives have the option to use them or not.
  19. obviousrprsnts

    Add back some of the banned weapons from 1.7.5?

    well yeah the makarovSD might be a bit "OP"(lmao) because its too quiet. But the L115a3 is great :D
  20. obviousrprsnts

    Add back some of the banned weapons from 1.7.5?

    nah not the AS50 tws.. also the guns that I mentioned are not even better lol. L115a3 is a bolt action sniper , MakarovSD is just a makarov with an silencer, and yeah I know it MIGHT be useless to ask to bring them back but I am just trying.
  21. obviousrprsnts

    Hatchet vs Helicopter

  22. obviousrprsnts

    Hatchet vs Helicopter

    Was strange indeed... just as the server lol. When I first came there those 2 hueys were inside each other... also were 2 blown up Mi-17's
  23. obviousrprsnts

    Hatchet vs Helicopter

    thanks for the beans =)
  24. obviousrprsnts

    Hatchet vs Helicopter

    Haha yeah downgrade hatchet spawnrate because its OP