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Everything posted by obviousrprsnts

  1. Added towing/lifting with helis and auto refuel , also added heli crash site loot , always a gunt here if your first to loot it :)
  2. Changed server name into : NL 111 - ||VETERAN|PRIVATE HIVE|MORE HELICRASHES|CUSTOM LOOT|3DP:ON|DM:ON|GMT-3|#Hollandia.DayZ
  4. DayZ - #Hollandia [HIVE][10 Choppers 125 Vehicles][GMT-5][NEW BUILDINGS][MoreHeliCrashes][] > Features < - Debug Monitor - Spawn with A makarov , 2bandages , Can of Beanssss , Mountain Dewwwww , and a Morphine - Increased Helicopter Crash Sites - Added custom buildings, Adding more frequently - I do rollbacks , or help you out if you got bugged , example , vehicle parts not being placed on a vehicle if you did so. Contact me via Steam , Steamgroup is ; http://steamcommunit...ndiaPrivateHive Just contact one of the admins and he'll make work of your problem. - Also gonna run events , such as hunt us down for gear , bambi ural spawn with alot of gear in it in a certain town, Will start when it gets populated. - You do not kill fresh spawns if they are closer than you than 150 meters , if they shoot you from a distance , you can ofcourse kill them , This is only meaning for fresh spawns with a civilian skin , bandits , you shoot them! - I will add more scripts to my server such as ; Auto Refuel , Strip parts from vehicles , Animated HeliCrashes. - If you think the buildings I added are OP , or dont like them, please tell me , ill see if the majority likes or dislikes it , if dislike Ill remove them right away. - We already have a few players playing here , I'd love to see it grow more as it's growing slowly now , which is still awesome for my personal feelings :lol:
  5. OH OOPS, please move it once you've seen it forum admins. Excuse me ;(
  6. DayZ - #Hollandia [HIVE][10 Choppers 175 Vehicles][NEW BUILDINGS][][#Jasonslair] -Hosted in Amsterdam -Extra buildings in progress ( There's an admin base , that you are ofcourse allowed to check it out once you found it) -Custom Debug Monitor -10 WORKING helicopters , 175 Vehicles -GMT -4 -Custom Loading screen... Needs more editing lols -AutoRefuel script in progress -Increased heli spawns. Edited because iI changed it alot Server IP - Or just filter : Hollandia
  7. Custom buidlings added // NW Airfield - Added Barracks , 10 in total , 3 firestations , 2 offices , a general store and some industrials. Stary - Added one firestation and a barrack at the tents NE Airfield - Added Firestation , a factory , added hangars , and added 5 Barracks, for more pvp People are joining now ,keep joining and think about making this ur private hive
  8. Adding custom buildings , come check the result out
  9. Changed server name to : DayZ - #Hollandia [HIVE][10 Choppers 175 Vehicles][DayOnly][][#Jasonslair] Still and always looking for more players.. Had 2 in here today, get it atleast 15! Still working on more feautures
  10. Increased helicopters implemented! Come and join =)
  11. This might be a very silly question.... but where are the logs from the crashedhelicopters? Like I saw people posting screenshot about their logs showing when a crash site spawned.. I cant find it :( Please let me know where those are located , Thanks!