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Everything posted by Tetrisash

  1. "The problem is the LACK of realism. Just my 2c." At the end of the day it's still a game that people enjoy playing, so what are you suggesting? You die and you can't play anymore for some set time period? That's laughable.
  2. Tetrisash

    Question about server crashes

    I've gotten a good amount of play time in, if it crashes it's after at least an hour. Except yesterday, the only crash we had was where some people in chat were arguing with the admin about something inane and the admin seemed kind of dick-ish and I'm pretty sure the admin restarted the server just to be an arse.
  3. Tetrisash

    DayZ: The Worst Best Zombie Game

    ""good" zombie games?" Probably Resident Evil. :D
  4. I'm just confused on why anyone would play this game NOT in first person. >_>
  5. Tetrisash

    How to handle the backstabbers?

    Only one to blame is yourself, really. In a game like this, walking up to a group of survivors is pretty naive. I'm still new, only started playing a week ago, and I learned that very quickly.
  6. Can confirm something's up with the loot. Group and I found our first two (!) heli crash sites yesterday, bunch of zombies but zero loot, not even the option to enter them.
  7. No clue if it's intentional or a bug, so I'm sorry if this is in the wrong board. I was on NY1 last night, it was getting a bit dark but still good enough to see. As my friends and I played it kept getting darker and darker and eventually I asked my friends if they wanted to find a daylight server, but they said it was still perfectly light outside. :s What is up with that?
  8. Tetrisash

    How exactly does night and day work?

    Alright, so I did indeed plop this in the wrong section, I apologize. Thank you for explaining, though!
  9. Tetrisash

    Too many downsides playing night?

    So how exactly does day and night work now? The impression I got was that it depended on the server, but two friends and I were playing together and it was getting really hard to see for me but they said it was still light.
  10. Bought Arma 2: CO off of Amazon, patched to the latest version. Only two times I was able to connect successfully to a game (couldn't even see), either I'm receiving data that hangs up at around 90% completion, the awaiting server response, or I just fail to connect in the first place after I try to join from the server list. Kind of a bummer since I only bought the game for DayZ.