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About swatti

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. swatti

    Help me get started.

    Inventory management should not let you lose items, no matter how wrong you do it... I suppose the engine has its limits, i understand it, just pissed me off. The shotgun-shells being gun-specifig is just unforgivable to me, i can however forget shotguns for now. SNEAKING past zombies should be doable, but it aint. I have to CRAWL, not "sneak" and while its very effective, its also very, very slow and thus very boring. I've tested quite some and it seems to be impossible to sneak up on a zombie AND couple that up with the fact that axe/crowbar have like 5% chance of hitting their target its impossible to "stealth-kill" zombies in your way. I considor myself very good at "sneaking around" but i have never ever had all three items, knife, axe and matches in my inventory at the same time. Even looting "high-value" places seems often quite bad loot-wise. It isnt very "rewarding" to crawl 30min past bazillion zombies only to find truckload of shotgun-shells your shotgun cant even use and some empty cans... Cmon, Mcgyver could make a friggin nuke out of those alone! Navigating i can handle, trust me, i've been in the army and if you dont learn it there, your probobly still are in the woods trying get home ;) While i get the fact that vehicles are kind of a luxory and all, but the distances are a pain. And why are there TONS of vehicle-wrecks and nothing in em!? One problem is the "loot-spots" feel a bit generic and there aint that many, forcing me to search sertain spots over and over again... While crawling around, very, very slowly. I "want to like" this mod, i love all things zombie-related and this survival-stuff but i cant find many parts i can truely enjoy.
  2. swatti

    Help me get started.

    Ok, thats it, im out... - I keep losing charters all the time, some ive gotten back, some i havent. - Putting items into backpacks makes em dissapear - Getting health back is nearly impossible - and losing it is as easy as closing a door - Zombies respawn on top of you - and have super-human senses - Navigation is way too hard - and distances are HUGE - No actual co-op element - and super-geared pvp-geeks hunt you It quite amazing what can be built on top of ARMA-engine and im VERY impressed what they have managed to do but the way this game/mod is, it isnt "fun", i keep fighting game-engine limitations, poor mechanics and loading screens more then i actually play and in the end, there is no "goal" or point to this whole thing. While i simply love the gritty and brutal hardcore gameplay, the engine itself sets quite hard limits and those make the gameplay frustrating and sometimes very boring. I give the dev-team all my respect and hope them the best but sadly im out. Thx for all the help folks.
  3. swatti

    Help me get started.

    PROGRESS! Found a shotgun(winchester) AND a x-bow... But i cant seem to collect my bolts once fired and it alerts every zed in the country. I found a small truckload of ammo for the shottie buuuuut no, cant use ANY of em, since they are magic-ammo and will only fit in M1014 and not my SAME CALIBRE shotgun. Cmon, stuff like this should be kinda universal ^^ Well, atleast i have a shotgun. Also found a PM, decent, hit-detection is bit off and its hard to tell if i hit his head or not. Zombies really should not move so damn fast. EDIT: PISSED OFF NOW! Finaly got myself some decent gear, decided to log off when i log in, boom, i HAVE TO START ALL OVER AGAIN! Why!? Also i remember seeing the magic letters "rpg" and yet there is no charter-developement as far as i can see. EDIT2: Time How do i tell what in-game time in particular server has, in this game night really is night and i cant see anything. So i'd prefer a day. EDIT3: boo boo Umm, for some reason, i got my previous charter back, that was good. Found an Axe but it doesnt hit anything, ended up dead trying to take on a lonely zombie... For the love of god why isnt there a HP regen of some sort?! food gives like 200-300 and zombies hit for over 500... Surviving the seemingly endless loading-screens of MANY different types is starting to feel like worse then the zombie-apocalypse. Reducing graphics to operation flashpoint-level did not help...
  4. Been watching all sorts of tutorial videos but still can ficure out this game/mod... Weapons: How or where do i get a gun? Is there a no-PVP-setting, everyone just wants to kill eachother, co-op? Seem to find ammo there and here, but no guns. Axe i have found, does nothing to zombies seemingly... Zombies: How do you "lose em" if they find you. Even if i go prone some zed just runs up to me and starts bashing. They dont seem to "use" doors, they just no-clip thru em. Is there any other "way to travel" then going prone and crawling around? If i stand up, everything within a mile comes running at me. Spawning: Can i respawn faster somehow? These loading-times are killing me. EDIT: Chat: How do i talk to ppl on the server? I seem to be able to cycle thru some channels but cant seem to talk to anyone even if some were right next to me... First time ever playing the mod. Kinda like the idea and its impressive thats it built on ARMA-engine and all, it does have some issues tho...